Leah Lopez
American InterContinental University
Within this email, I will cover different probabilities within your company. This information can help you to understand whether or not your employees are satisfied with their jobs or not. Also within the results of this survey, you will find that your employees are not distributed equally in terms of gender.
From: Leah Lopez
Date: November 13, 2012
Subject: Survey of employees at American Intellectual Union
Dear AIU:
Within this email, I will be providing some information from a survey that was given to your employees. This information can help you to understand how satisfied your workers are with their jobs. This will also help you to understand whether or not you should hire more women and men to even out the gender amongst certain departments.
Overview of the Data Set The current data set is comprised of 64 individuals who were surveyed, and this is a part of the sample of the population at American Intellectual Union, and these individuals were identified by 5 characteristics: gender, age, position (hourly or salaried), tenure, and how they felt about job satisfaction on a scale of one to seven. The qualitative variables include: gender, department, and position. The quantitative variables include: age, tenure, and job satisfaction.
Use of Statistics and Probability in the Real World There are several different ways that statistics and probability could be used in the real world. You could see this used in the horse races, the lottery, certain things in the stock market, also in marketing in a corporation.
The Value of Statistics Every corporation that is successful exhausts statistics. It does not matter if they are operating a small fish store or they are a member of a board for a huge business, almost every decision made by a corporation is based on statistics. Averages, means and medians are a part of
References: Ayres, I. (2009, August 13). The Value of Statistics. Retrieved from Freakonomics: http://www.freakonomics.com/2009/08/13/the-value-of-statistics/ S., E. (2010). How Probability is Used in Business. Retrieved from Reference.com: http://www.reference.com/motif/science/how-probability-is-used-in-business