a) Select an appropriate research question for the proposal.
Research Question
The Watchingham County Council is concerned with the state of employee and customer satisfaction. These two aspects are interrelated since one leads to the other. In many cases, when employees are dissatisfied with their workplace, their work product suffers and is compromised. The diversity in the Watchingham County Council is a relevant concern for the service provider. While diversity is a positive factor in any process, the lack of efficient management could turn this factor into a hindrance rather than a positive aspect (Kearney and Gebert 2009, p. 77). This research proposal is based on a tender project …show more content…
Primary research design does not rely on existing data, rather, it collects data from the ground irrespective of whether data is available or not. The primary design to be used has a myriad of merits as discussed in the above discussion; it also has a substantial level of limitations associated with the design. First, unlike secondary research, primary research requires a widespread data collection exercise. Data collection is time and money consuming. Primary research design is both expensive and time consuming. This limits the widespread use of the primary research on the subject matter. Primary research design is subject to biasness and other effects due to the emotions and already known information on the subject matter. This limits its accuracy. Despite these limitations, it is clear that primary research is the best approach to this particular problem. The council has limited information on the subject matter and therefore requires the researcher to furnish it with credible data collected from the main stakeholders in the …show more content…
The researcher accommodates every significant milestone in the completion of the study. The first major milestone in the study is submission of the research proposal. The research proposal details the anticipated research components. After the submission, the researcher anticipates that the council will approve the proposal in about 2 weeks and release the necessary funds in another week. The most significant barrier at this stage would be the bureaucratic processes required for the conducting of the research. In order to avoid stalling the researcher will continue with activities that do not require finances, and conduct others such as hiring research assistants once the funds are