MKTG 400-01
Case 2-1 Climbing the Top
Regarding the selected case analysis Climbing to the Top, “What types of programs or tactics would you suggest the owner institute to break the fear of Baby Boomers and change their attitude towards rock climbing?” To break the fear of Baby Boomers, I would suggest the Owner institute a program to boost consumer confidence. These advertisements could be posters, newspaper articles and short commercials stating the level of safety Rock Sports provides. Rock Sports should ensure the highest level of safety for beginners to advanced climbers. To furthermore boost consumer confidence among the Baby Boomers in trying rock climbing. Rock Sports should have a mandatory safety lesson. These safety advertising campaigns and mandatory safety programs should eliminate some Baby Boomer’s fears of falling and failure. Also Rock Sports could offer free onsite staff to help a consumer master the sport. This free alone one on one time offered with a trained professional will ensure a Baby Boomer boosts self-esteem and lessons fears of embarrassment.
Regarding, “What do you think motivates one to rock climb or try this sport?” I think one motive is clear, the hedonic value a rock climber receives. Today rock climbing does offer some utilitarian value such as gaining strength, power and longevity in physical fitness. However, I don’t believe this obvious utilitarian value is the reason people choice to try this sport. I believe a consumer looking for physical fitness would more likely choose a gym over rock climbing. In the text Climbing to the Top Matthews states, “But one of the great benefits of rock climbing is the thrill and joy it brings, as well as a pure sense of achievement.” Rock climbing is motivated by hedonic value since climbing a rock for no utilitarian value seems difficult to explain. Another reason I believe motivates a consumer to rock climb would be their social environmental influences (friends) and