What makes customers prefer Coffee Bean compared to other café places like Starbucks? The answer can be found in the way customers perceive the available brands. Perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes and interprets the information he receives from the environment.
3 Stages Of Perception
The first stage that begins the whole perception is the select process; this is attending to the object or an event in the environment with one of more of the five senses involved. This is a intrinsic cue which refer to distinct sensory qualities of the product like the appearance taste and odour. When a customer walks in to any coffee bean outlet the first stimulus would be the aroma of the coffee beans and brewing coffee, the second would be the its environment. Coffee bean ensures that each outlet has a different setting suited to the stores location and the type of customers walking in.The brightly lit environment that compliments the colour of the tables and chairs would be the second stimulus. Lastly while one is mulling over a cup of coffee from coffee bean ,the music played in the background instills the calm and peaceful mood for the customer ,this would be the last stimulus.
The second stage to perception is organize, this is categorized by matching the sensed stimulus with similar object categories in one’s memory. This stage helps one makes sense of what they observed. After tasting the drinks in coffee bean, the customer forms a memory in their head. They remember the environment, the ambience ,the taste, the music playing in the background ,the kind of service provided to them and lastly comparing them from experiences in other cafes .
The last stage would be to interpret, when customers attach a meaning to the stimulus, forming a “ruling” as to whether they like the object and what’s its value to them. After remembering the coffee bean experience the customer got, would they say they like it more compared to