The story of “Half-Hanged Mary” by Margaret Atwood, is about a women that lived in the town of Massachusetts and was convicted of being a witch. The story shows that Mary didn't have a choice if she was guilty or not, because there was no one there to back her up with evidence. The authority …show more content…
A bystander knows and sees if someone is in danger, but they choose to spare themselves. They don’t want to help someone out because they think they will look bad. If you're in a group with your friends and a serious situation occurs, they usually wait until someone makes the first move. People like to act how everyone else is acting in the group. Everyone is trying to fit in and trying to act like the cool kids. “Moral diffusion is the lessening of a sense of individual responsibility when someone is a member of a group. Responsibility to act diffuses throughout the crowd. When a member of the group is able to escape the collective paralysis and take action, others in the group tend to act as well”. If a member of a groes out and helps the situation, usually everyone else would help out too. If no one goes out and helps, then everyone else will try to escape the