Economic/Political Analysis
Throughout history leaders from every country at some point have thought how could they inspire their people. From the poor to the wealthy they all have something in common. Fear is that thing in common. It has plagued our race since the dawn of time and it has lead to the fall and rise of countless nations. People can be broken or inspired by fear, and that's why feeling “freedom of fear” is so important. So in this writing I will answer this question (Are the poor and the wealthy equally concerned about the “freedom from fear”?) based on what I say below.
In the American history Presidents from Roosevelt to Obama have noted or said something about fear. This is because feeling free from fear would better any country. Though we all may have it in common, the word “it” can mean a lot of different things. A struggle to speaking inspirationally about this topic is connecting everyone's fear, from the poor to the rich and those in between. Rarely is there one topic that everyone fears and this is because we are all struggling in our own ways. The rich might need to worry about where …show more content…
Comparing two completely different social classes and then finding some sort of thing that they both share, seems nearly impossible. Though some people have had all the work laid out for them, like Roosevelt during the Great Depression. That was only because it seemed like everyone became poor, everyone was on the same level of thought and worry. Even then Roosevelt didn’t even state what the “it” of fear was then. This is because while one, or two, or a few thousand people might feel the same, others might not. Even then in the Great Depression there was still poor and rich social classes.There were a lot fewer shure but not everyone felt the same; definitely not on a global scale. In a webpage I found a great quote comparing the economic systems of the rich and the poor in any situation, in just one