diff include: water diarrhea that has a particular, Fever, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain and tenderness. [ ] in server cases C. diff can even cause sepsis and death caused by shock. Treatment for C. diff in simple cases is easy, you just stop taking the antibiotic. But in more moderate cases it may require IV antibiotics (usually vancomycin) to kill C. diff and probiotics to help replace the normal flora. If that doesn’t work or if a patient has a problematic case of C. diff in which the infection reoccurs a stool transplant may be necessary. Stool transplant (A.K.A Fecal transplant) are typical taken from family members or other healthy people and inserted in to the small insistent in to via colonoscopy of an infected patient which allows for the regrowth of normal flora.
One of the few economic benefits of C. diff is found in Fecal transplant. According to OpenBiome a stool bank located in Medford, MA a stool donor can make 40$ per stool donation. The stool donor must donate stool five days a week for sixty days. Which would result in the stool donor receiving (Stool donation , n.d.) a total of $12,000 for the sixty day of donation