Stephen C Wilburth Jr
CIS 505
January 31, 2015
Matthew Anyanwu
Department of Management Case Study 1
Department of Management Service (DMS) has actually been the most outstanding business body that definitely connects all public, private and state institutions. The main core principle and responsibility of this broadband program absolutely is to offer necessary assistance to all relevant agencies in order to meet its objectives and mission.
DMS as a business operation arm is the largest organization that needs maximum security mechanism due to its exposure to employees and internet users, to perfect on this concept; it has to develop security policies which definitely protect the organization …show more content…
from this vulnerability. Through security policy implementation, password, firewall access and administration mechanisms are incorporated into organization systems as this definitely is security code which absolutely blog unintended users which in this case are employees and internet users (Butcher-Powell, 2008).
Encryption is the most crucial component which should be capitalized among state employees against accessing the DMS system, system protection is done through configuration of password and conceptualization of electronic commerce information as this security measures definitely protects employees from assessing the server. Moreover, with internet users, it’s very crucial that software programs which protect organization systems from direct and indirect attacks are installed and configured to provide maximum internet security. For example firewall definitely works with hardware and software programs hence when installed definitely filter and protect unauthorized access. Furthermore the use of proxy server actually offer another ultimate security mechanism to DMS system as it screen information based on the protocol server, thus alerting administration of incoming requests, this component is important due to the fact that it offers detection mechanism to virus programs. Additionally, virtual private networks and the internet protocol security mechanism should be configured into a centralized monitoring unit which definitely screens all information and data; this definitely protects the organization from technology experts and hackers (Dragoi et al, 2010).
Critique the transition process performed by the DMS in the case study. Then, recommend two (2) alternatives to the IP infrastructure or applications not already mentioned in the case study.
DMS transition process is the most important critique embraced in an organization with core objective of ascertaining projected objectives and goals. Based on this critique Accenture plays the most important role which definitely is to link the DMS and vendor towards attaining articulated transition plan. For this reason transition plan aim at enhancing effective and efficient performance system to My Florida Market Place (MFMP) users (Walsh et al, 2000).
Shadowing transition critic actually enhance Accenture approach and facilitate the transition team over a transition topic embraced, this concept figure out proper communication system and moreover win the stakeholder confidence on implementation and execution of the plan.
Also On-the-Job-Transition is another transition plan where the new service provider is embraced by the Accenture to its functionality. The main core objective of OJT is actually to make service provider efficient in the sense that all details based on this provider are ascertained by performing the relevant objected task (Carstens, Kies & Stockman, 2014).
Moreover, pre-acceptance is another transition plan through which new service provider is proofed beyond reasonable doubt on its performance assurance, Accenture actually authenticate transition team members over the implementation and capitalization of the new provider due to its quality assurance productivity.
Acceptance is another transition critique which definitely embraces capitalization of the transfer knowledge, according to this stage is that transition team and Accenture reach to a conclusion on decision for new service provider (Fernandez et al, 2010).
Internet telephony is alternative IP infrastructures which definitely outsource the traditional telephony system, Internet telephony definitely is integrated with sophisticated network service providers which comprise packets conceptualization.
Moreover, Network Interface Card (NIC) definitely is another application system to internet protocol infrastructure as its relevance is based on physical provision of network medium (Sansosti, Cowan & Powell-Smith, 2010).
Critique the merits of the major services found on the DMS Website.
DMS website is a relevant communication site which actually serves its clients with equity and diligence, its website connects all vendors from a central point by providing health economical advice. This website merit is time conscious and efficient. For example, employees and retirees can ultimately access their payroll and retirement benefits and allowances through a developed network system which enable them access their relevant data, this definitely saves transport cost and time wastage (Robinson & Ensign, 2009).
Moreover DMS the website is very transparent in its activities as in case on any job opportunity advertisement is made open through the website, hence application letters are directed to human resource managers through a developed communication network system, to perfect and embrace accountability from extortion of information application can be through capitalization of mail as this enhance first hand information (Bullen et al, …show more content…
Recommend an additional service to add to the DMS Website.
Additional significant merit of DMS website is that these arms serve as an oversight body which definitely evaluate and monitor the nature of user’s satisfaction where any relevant complaints are rectified appropriately (Asprey & Middleton, 2003).
Networking and architecture technology is the most important communication approach where its articulation can be made local through network convergence to the only business target group while wide area conceptualization is definitely capitalized to cover wide geographical location. WAN definitely conceptualizes on local area network technology as it configures information to a specified group located in a certain geographical area which for this reason can be employees of a region. Wide area architecture definitely is diversified and more sophisticated with the nature that it utilize interface specification which definitely enhance network- to-network interfaces, this technology definitely entails both switching and transmission architectures which absolutely cover wide area (Hagar, 2015).
Hagar, C.
(January 01, 2015). Crisis Informatics.
Bullen, C. V., Abraham, T. V., Gallagher, K. V., Kaiser, K. M., & Simon, J. C. (January 01, 2009). Changing IT Skills.
Robinson, N. P., & Ensign, P. C. (January 01, 2009). Marketing Your City 's Industries to the World.
Sansosti, F. J., Cowan, R. J., & Powell-Smith, K. A. (2010). High-functioning autism/Asperger syndrome in schools: Assessment and intervention. New York: Guilford Press.
Fernandez, E. B., Hashizume, K. B., Buckley, I. B., Larrondo-Petrie, M. M., & VanHilst, M. M. (January 01, 2010). Web Services Security.
Construction Congress, Walsh, K. D., American Society of Civil Engineers., M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction., & International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation. (2000). Construction Congress VI: Building together for a better tomorrow in an increasingly complex world : proceedings of the congress : February 20-22, 2000, Orlando, Florida. Reston, Va: The Society.
Carstens, D. S., Kies, S. S., & Stockman, R. S. (January 01, 2014). Achieving Useful Government Accountability and Transparency Websites.
Asprey, L., & Middleton, M. (January 01, 2003). Business Systems Interfaces and IDCM
Butcher-Powell, L. M. (January 01, 2008). Better Securing an Infrastructure for Telework.
Dragoi, G., Draghici, A., Rosu, S. M., & Cotet, C. E. (January 01, 2010). Virtual Product Development in University-Enterprise Partnership. Information Resources Management Journal (irmj), 23, 3, 43-59.