In this paper I will be covering over the following: juvenile corrections and community-based treatment programs, including covering over community-based treatment, institutionalization, and aftercare programs. Corrections and Treatment
Juveniles needs to learn from their crimes, so that is where the consequences comes into play for the juvenile’s criminal behavior. Juvenile can go through different consequences like community-based like probation and treatments programs that the judge has sent them to, for the juveniles to learn from their criminal behaviors. Probation, institution centers and treatment would be to help the juveniles to learn and change their paths of committing crimes. …show more content…
Probation, according to (Siegel, 2005), is the most commonly used community-based effort for juveniles.
The juvenile who is on probation will be still be able to remain in the community but under the supervision of an officer of the courts. Another community-based programs would be treatment centers, where the juveniles goes for counseling for their needs to be able to handle the issues that is causing the juvenile to act out and commit crimes. The purposes for the community-based treatment centers would be to help the juvenile to understand what they have done and help them to learn from what they have done and allows them to be able to fix what have been affected by their criminal behaviors and learn from their mistakes. The importance of community-based treatment programs would be to give the juvenile a second chance and still be able to remain in the community while paying back for their criminal actions and to be able to learn from their mistakes while getting help that the juvenile might need to help them to change paths that the juvenile is
Institutionalization is the placement of a child in institution such as group homes, orphans, and foster care. The placements in these institutions could suffer from social, emotional, substance abuse, educational issues, and medical needs. The juveniles who suffer from many of these needs are the ones who needs these issues handled and needing help getting through these issues to actually have a chance to change their criminal paths and see that they are not alone and can get help with these needs. The reason for the juveniles for having these issues would be because of not getting them from home from their parents or even the supports of the right friends and including not the help or support from teachers at school. The reason the why the juvenile justice system should be concerned with these would be that the juveniles might not understand why they are there as well as not understanding their needs that needs helped with to change their lives and paths of life. Many of these issues will continue if not helped to be fixed when they are juveniles because if not fixed the issues can still remain into the adulthood and cause even more serious crimes being committed.
Aftercare programs according to (Wadsworth, 2005), in the juvenile justice system is the equal of parole for the adult criminal justice system. IAP in which was described in the text book materials were the programs of mixture of intensive surveillance with services, balance of incentives, and graduated consequences coupled with dealing with the realistic and enforceable conditions. Intensive surveillance with services is to help the juveniles to be monitored while returning to the community and not harming the community while having services there to help them to deal with issues like peers, family and finding a job. The importance of the aftercare would be that the juvenile does not follow the aftercare rules that the juvenile can lose their parole rights and can be returned to the institution or the juvenile could be reduced time on parole if the rules of the aftercare is being followed and if the juvenile has learned from their criminal behavior and not committing any more crimes. Conclusion
In conclusion, I have covered over the following: juvenile corrections and community-based treatment programs and included covered over community-based treatment, institutionalization, and aftercare programs. References Siegel, L. J. & Welsh, B. C. (2005). Juvenile delinquency: The core. (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.