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Cache Level 3 Assignment 1

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Cache Level 3 Assignment 1
Question 1 (Weighting: 0)
Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults
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Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with:
Young people
[200 words]

To build and maintain healthy relationships, we must communicate effectively with spoken language, body language and actions. We must communicate positive messages and make sure that everyone involved has successfully understood.
Children require us, as teachers, to communicate slowly, using graded language, and for example giving instructions in parts so they can be digested easily. When children feel they are successfully taking parts in the activities of the day, they naturally feel happy and positive relationships can blossom. It is also easier for teachers when they are patient and are ready to repeat themselves, checking understanding by initiating response or feedback.
When working with young people, as a teacher, it is important to get the balance right between being their friend and being assertive. It is important not to be patronizing to them as growing individuals but to be assertive and at the same time show them respect and teach through demonstration and example. Effective communication with young people involves a lot of explaining and logical reasoning, where their input is heard and valued. When young people feel they are being treated fairly and their opinions matter and are taken seriously, positive relationships have a chance to grow.
Working with adults in an educational surrounding is different, usually they are they by choice and usually there is not the same scale of rebellion or naughtiness found when working with younger people in the school system. Here, it is crucial that respect is shown in all aspects of learning and to remain professional and be available to talk things through. It is also important, when working with adults to initiate class discussions, if working in a class.
With all these groups of students, building positive relationships requires an input of both parties, teachers and students. We must though, as teachers, show that we have their best interests and heart, treat them fairly, make sure things are clear and understood and do our best to ensure that everyone is happy, healthy and moving forward. A big part of this is done through communication. Without communication, relationships cannot develop at all.

* * Question 2 (Weighting: 0)
Explain the principles of relationship building with:
Young people
* * CHILDREN; * * 1. Feel sure that successful communication is possible. * 2. Establish fair rules and boundaries. * 3. Promote a positive attitude and a healthy educational environment. * 4. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. show them Security, Praise, Encouragement, Communication, Interaction, Acceptance and Love.
5. Try to set a good example and be a good role model. * 6. Be reliable, punctual and approachable and encourage questioning. * 7. Include everybody and make them feel welcome. * 8. Be considerate and sensitive to people’s personal needs. * 9. Value their inputs. * 10. Create a sense of comfort and safety. Everybody should feel they would be given help if needed. Students should feel we have their best intentions at heart. * * YOUNG PEOPLE * 1. Establish fair and appropriate limits and boundaries. 1. Remember they are not children and their learning environment needs to be pitched to their level. It needs to be stimulating but not overwhelming. 2. Treat them with respect, as growing individuals. 3. Value their opinion and encourage questioning. 4. Stay calm and collected even when angry, making sure to set good examples. 5. Challenge young people but do not patronize. 6. Be approachable and remain assertive. * ADULTS 1. Be respectful, in terms of how you address people, (names and greetings etc) 2. Be aware of social and cultural differences. 3. Be approachable as an equal adult but remain professional at all times. 4. Be sensitive to peoples needs and be understanding. 5. Encourage discussions. 6. Be flexible. * *
Question 3 (Weighting: 0)
Explain how:
Social background
Professional background
Cultural background
Affect relationships and the way people communicate.
[300 words]


Our social, professional and cultural backgrounds shape the way in which we interact with others. Ways of speaking, manners, greeting, body language, praising, showing respect, voicing opinions, making eye contact, humor etc can differ dramatically. All of these things affect how we communicate and behave affecting the relationships we make and the learning that takes place.
Our background and experiences determine the way we approach things, the way we react to situations and forms our opinion of what is acceptable and what is not.
A good example is of a child arriving in a prestigious primary school, run mainly by woman. His religious background gave him a very different view of women and ultimately does not see them as power figures. So, for him, taking instructions from female teachers is difficult to adapt to and often ignored and challenged. A very wealthy child, who is never short of toys, is less appreciative of them, than, say a less privileged child from a different background. Often the child retreats into tantrums etc. to get what they want. Another child may come from a family where manners are more important, and therefore, polite, calm and grateful when communicating and interacting with others.
People often feel distressed when placed in unfamiliar places and situations, and say, if a child does not speak the language, they are immediately isolated and divided from the others and ultimately decreasing the closeness of the relationships they make as they are not able to share information verbally.
Colleagues and can come from different professional backgrounds and determine their standards of commitment, capability, work ethic and more. When familiar with working in a team, people learn flexibility and learn to adapt, this is especially valuable when working in a school. They can sometimes provide more of a difficulty; if for example, a colleague was in a very authoritative position, with expectations to be in control. This could have a negative affect on the way they communicate. Nonetheless, the more experience of working with children is a positive thing.
People need to interact with all sorts of people from all different backgrounds, it is our job to hone in on this and adapt accordingly.


Question 4 (Weighting: 0)
Explain the skills needed to communicate with:
Young people
[200 words]

When communicating with children, one needs to keep their attention, engaging them in what is happening or whatever you are trying to communicate with them. Teaching children numbers for instance is a difficult thing, as they often lose interest quickly. Turning it into a game, keeps them intrigued and quite often they do not even know they are learning. I like to play hopscotch with the young children in the garden and they themselves draw the boxes and numbers, chanting as they jump. This is a very effective way of communicating with children and makes learning fun. * Children need things to be explained to them. For example if they have done something wrong, they need to know why it was wrong, what happens and given a chance to think about it. At this time we must grade our language, give examples, speak to them on their level, literally, kneel down so you are speaking at eye level to them. It is a skill to be able to remain assertive yet playful and be able to punish fairly, and reward appropriately. Children also need looking after physically and emotionally and we must be conscious of their needs, ensuring safety at all times. Communication is not only spoken language, but body language and attitude, gesture and expression. Children who are upset, sometimes a hug is all they need, and being able to offer a child that physical contact gracefully and appropriately is a skill that hopefully comes naturally to all teachers. We must also be aware of the importance of praise, acceptance and love, knowing when to be stern and take disciplinary action. Young people need more of an equal interaction. They are not to be patronized, but challenged in a positive manner; or they will feel rebellious and cross and will ultimately hinder any successful learning. It is key to remember to have a sense of humour when working with young people and to keep them interested. It is crucial with this age group to set clear, fair boundaries at the start of the relationship and to show them that reward and punishment are a part of learning. When teaching it is important to be open and ready to explain, giving context, examples and meaning to everything you are discussing. I believe we need to keep young people on their toes, constantly stimulated but of course, with adequate breaks and rests.
As with most groups, especially young people, disagreements occur and these must be treated in the best manner. It is important for us to remember that they must learn to deal with these on their own when appropriate. Perhaps encouraging reasoning and discussions.
It is a skill to know when to involve yourself and when to take a step back and let them learn, promoting their individuality and independence.

* ****Question 5 (Weighting: 0)
Explain how to adapt communication with children and young people for:
Age of the child or young person
The context of the communication
Communication differences
[200 words]
If a child is very young, it is essential to thoroughly grade your language and make sure that you are being simple and clear. Facial expressions are important to help you really get your message across. Body language and gestures can also be exaggerated. A teacher or assistant must be ready to repeat things if necessary etc. very young children also need more assurance than the older ones, they need frequent responses and answers to show them you’re understanding and listening; they need you to share your ideas with them. Physical contact can be helpful when you are trying to build a relationship with young children. For example, taking their hand when they are scared or giving them a cuddle when they are feeling lonely. Sometimes physical contact is needed when we are trying to discipline a child for example moving them away from a friend they’ve been disruptive with. Communicating with children requires you to be animated and positive whenever possible. One also needs to draw information out of young children, or be prompted and encouraged to communicate. In all aspects of life, communication is key when trying to do anything that involves other people. Some children and or young people communicate differently, whether it is the language, body language, the way in which they interpret things. We need to be able to adapt accordingly to each different situation. The use of props, pictures and any sort of visual aid can help immensely. Learn a few key phrases in their language if not too difficult or too many. Show by example, exaggerate gestures and remain simple and positive. All these things can help when trying to convey a message.


Question 6 (Weighting: 0)
Explain the main differences between: communicating with adults communicating with children communicating with young people
[200 words]

When communicating with adults, we communicate in a range of ways; facial expressions, gesture, body language, intonation of the voice, eye contact. Adults are usually experienced and can interpret these communications, easier than younger people. We are able to use language at a more complex level, explaining things, which they can relate to their own life experiences.
We converse with adults as equals. Engaging in intelligent, challenging dialect and conversation.
Children learn through play, and we can communicate a lot of concepts with play, for example, children rehearse for the future whilst playing shops or “mummy and daddy.” Playing can encourage creative, imaginative, manipulative and physical play.
When speaking to children, we grade our language, slow down, repeat, emphasize and exaggerate. We must truly listen to children, and show them we are listening by responding appropriately. Teachers are wisely encouraged to use, “open-ended” questions that illicit a response i.e. that is more than just “yes” or “no.” we must then reflect on these answers, checking our own understanding, by confirming what they’ve said. We must talk to children at their height, face to face with the child we are communicating with and hold eye contact.
Most schools have a policy on touching and every teacher and assistant should be aware of the rules. Touching should be avoided to avoid misunderstanding, but can be useful when attracting attention or when a child needs comforting. Our body language can speak volumes and it is important to be welcoming open to the children as they pick up on energies very quickly.
Are very sensitive and we must remember this. Young people need to feel their opinions and thoughts are valued and they themselves as young individuals are gaining respect and are important. We must speak clearly, yet be challenging as teachers. It is very important to be assertive when working with young children as they are beginning to think for themselves. It is important to have their respect and attention. A teaching assistant who knows how to work hard and play hard usually has the respect of the class. We need to encourage their individuality supporting them or reminding them of tasks that need to be done, not doing it for them, perhaps like when working with very young children. We need to be able to stand back, observe and where necessary, help.


Question 7 (Weighting: 0)
Explain how to adapt communication to meet different communication needs of adults.
[100 words]
There are a range of different communication needs for adults and we must try to accommodate them in the best way we can. Often there are language barriers, and varying levels of English. When language is a problem, we can make use of visual aid, use simple, clear and concise English. If it is accessible to the school, an interpreter or skilled communicator can help. It is important that people don’t feel isolated because they don’t speak the language, so we should encourage them to join in, and help with tasks so that positive relationships can develop. We must also accommodate for people with sensory difficulties; blindness, deafness etc., cultural differences, beliefs and physical impairments. We must understand and show respect for different beliefs; be ready to adapt the environment if for example an adult is in a wheelchair, clear an area and make sure we are at their height when conversing. When there are cultural differences, we must take care not to offend, for example touching in a way that is inappropriate to a culture, or the way we address them. If unsure, ask. If an adult has social development problems, we must again remain positive and patient and accommodate their needs, speaking clearly, smiling, being helpful and encouraging. If emotionally unstable and become aggressive then a more authoritative colleague must be called. *

Question 8 (Weighting: 0)
Explain how to manage disagreements with:
Young people
[200 words]
Children need more intervention from adults when disagreements and arguments occur. We need to be good role models for them, and help them to express the emotions, which are causing a problem. A simple example of a child’s disagreement, is sharing toys and the children are snatching and shouting. Here I would remove the items causing a problem, ask them all to stop, and listen to each other in turn. Then I would encourage them to take it in turns, perhaps using a timer so that it is fair. I would then ask them if they thought that was fair, making sure that everyone agrees. If they can’t agree, then the toys will be taken away for good. I would remain calm and assertive. Children need help learning to take turns, share and cooperate. If for example, one child has clearly behaved inappropriately, then consequences should be enforced. The child then needs an explanation as to why they are being punished (perhaps sitting on the wall in the playground if they had hurt a friend on purpose.) Checking for understanding and making sure they reflect is also important. They need help learning to express how they feel; we must be patient and promote this.

Young people also require us to intervene during disagreements. It is important however, to know when to let them sort it out themselves and just observe, ready to help if necessary. If real conflict occurs, we can step in and help calm the situation and get the people involved to talk rationally and come to some sort of agreement or help them to find a fair compromise.

Professional disagreements between adults must be handled carefully. Care must be taken so that disagreements do not escalate into real conflict. We do this by remaining calm and listening to all points of view and trying to find a compromise that everyone involved can accept and follow. This is being “assertive.” Everybody’s views and points must be listened to and considered. If there really is a problem and the adults cannot see eye-to-eye, then another member of staff can be involved and act as the mediator, making sure that everybody is listened to and heard. It may be necessary to put concerns or the compromise in writing.

Question 9 (Weighting: 0)
Summarise the main points of legislation and procedures covering:
Data protection
Disclosure of information
[200 words]

-Every family has the right to privacy.
- Only the appropriate people should have access to confidential records.
-Confidential information is only shared when the well being of the child is at risk.
-Protocol and procedure must be followed at all times regarding the sharing of information and must be in the correct, agreed format.
-Be aware of the legal requirements set out in the “Data Protection Act.” It states that personal data must be:
“ Fairly and lawfully processed.
Processed for limited purposes.
Adequate, relevant and not excessive.
Not kept longer than necessary.
Processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights.
Not transferred to countries without adequate protection.”
- Confidential data must be safe when contained in computer hard drives etc. but also be available to the person they refer to.
-When in possession of the school, fragile information must be locked away, electronically and or physically and that the law that it remains so
-Some material is not allowed to be shared at all, i.e. information that could put a child at risk. (Child abuse, court report, student admissions.)
-Confidential information can only be disclosed when the well being of a child is at risk.
-Care must be taken also, when disclosing information to another service as it may put the child at higher risk e.g. child abuse.
-It is only to be shared with the appropriate people e.g. Class Teacher or Head Mistress. The correct person of authority must agree this. * -The person who gave you the information must be informed and explained to that, the welfare of the child comes first. * * * * * Question 10 (Weighting: 0)
Explain the importance of reassuring children, young people and adults of the confidentiality of shared information and the limits of this.
[200 words]

Without trust, information would not be shared, and it is vital that as teachers and assistants we are provided with all the necessary information we need to better and efficiently care and teach for the children, young people and adults we work with. We must ensure that all of these groups are aware of our promise to keep all sensitive data secure and to explain the serious and respected rules we must follow in terms of confidentiality. We must also explain that we watch and observe closely and that safety is paramount. Therefore, if we suspect that safety is at risk, following on from written observations, sensitive data may be passed on if we think it will help to resolve a problem. This is a long process, which requires a lot of protocol and it not done often and never for a reason that didn’t deserve it.

Question 11 (Weighting: 0)
Explain under what circumstances would confidentiality and data protection rules are broken.
[100 words]
If a child’s health, safety or educational needs are being neglected, teachers and T.As must use their professional judgment and decide if authorities should be involved. They would then need to follow protocol in doing this. If a child is suspected of being abused; physically, emotionally or intellectually, a teacher may file for an emergency court order (t0 an individual magistrate) for a protection order which lasts up to 8 days. It is unlikely for the suspicion of child abuse to become apparent suddenly and usually develops over time. It is essential that we make written, signed and dated observations to ensure we can give evidence later as this will be needed by the court or whichever authorities are involved.


Kamen, T. (2011) Teaching Assistant’s Handbook Level 3
Harvey, N.(2006) Effective Communication. Second revised edition. Gill and MacMillan Ltd.
Bruce T and Meggitt C.(2006) Child Care and Education. CACHE level 3 Diploma in Child Care and Education. .

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Content and Images copyright Stonebridge Colleges, All rights reserved, 2010.


Bibliography: Kamen, T. (2011) Teaching Assistant’s Handbook Level 3 Harvey, N.(2006) Effective Communication Bruce T and Meggitt C.(2006) Child Care and Education. CACHE level 3 Diploma in Child Care and Education. Content and Images copyright Stonebridge Colleges, All rights reserved, 2010.

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