E1. Describe the development of children in a selected age range and in two areas of development.
Stages of physical development
The First Month
From age’s birth to three years, the child should be able to lie supine, lie with head turned to one side, and by one month can lift the head. If pulled to sitting position, the head will lag, the back curves over and the head falls forward. Also the child should be able to turn his or her head towards the light and stares at bright or shiny objects, fascinated by human faces and gazes attentively at carer’s face when fed or held, hands are usually tightly closed and reacts to loud sounds but by one month may be soothes by particular music (Meggit, C et al 2012:32).
From four to eight weeks
From ages four to eight weeks, the child should be able to turn from side to back, lift the head briefly from the prone position, arm and leg movements are jerky and uncontrolled and there is head lag if the baby is pulled to sitting position. Also the child should be able to turn their head towards the light and stares at bright or shiny objects, show interest and excitement by facial expression and will gaze attentively at carer’s face while being fed, and use his or her hand to grasp the carer’s finger (Meggit, C et al 2012:32).
From eight to twelve weeks
From ages eight to twelve weeks, the child should be able to keep head in central position, lift head and chest off bed in prone position, supported forearms, there is almost no head lag in sitting position and the legs can kick vigorously, both separately. Also moves his or her head to follow adult movements, watches their hands and plays with their fingers and holds a rattle for a brief time before dropping (Meggit, C et al 2012:32).
From four to six months
From ages four to six months, the child should be able to use a palmar grasp and can transfer objects from hand to hand, very interested in all activity,