Level 3
Health and safety
Support children and young people’s health and safety CYP Core 3.4
Promote the welfare and well being in the early years EYMP 3
Task 1 1. Question: Add the legislation chart that you completed in class
CYP 3.4 AC 1.3, 1.4, EYMP 3 AC 1.1, 1.2
See attached – Pages 10 & 15 2. Question: Explain why it is important to take a balanced approach to risk management CYP 3.4 AC 3.1
Children and young people need a safe and challenging environment. Most human activity involves a certain degree of risk. Children and young people need to learn how to cope with this. It is important they understand that the world can be a dangerous place and that care needs to be taken when they are negotiating their way round it.
Children and young people who are sheltered or over protected from risk and challenge will not be able to make judgements about their own strengths and skills. If you have a totally risk-free environment this will lack challenges and stimulation, this will lead to children becoming bored and behaving increasingly inappropriately. Being told about possible dangers is not enough, children and young people need to see or experience the consequences of not taking care.
An important aspect of teaching children and young people about risk is to encourage them to make their own risk assessment and think about the possible consequences of their actions. Adults should teach the child about using objects and equipment safely rather then removing it. It is important that we strike the right balance, protecting children and young people from harm while allowing them freedom to develop independence and not awareness.
3. Question: Explain the dilemma between the rights and choices of children and young people and the health and safety requirements CYP 3.4 AC 3.2 In the UK the Children Act (1989) came into effect in October 1991. It included recommendations on how