Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech, the audience will be educated on the what caffeine is and the advantages and disadvantages of caffeine consumption.
Preview of Main Points: I will be explaining what caffeine is, the benefits and the effects it has on us. Introduction
(Attention Getter) How many for you consume caffeine on a daily basis? (Central Idea (Introduce topic and relate it to your audience)) In an article from fda.gov by GB Frank, says 90% of people intake caffeine in different forms with an average of 200 milligrams per day.
(Establish credibility (Personal experience or qualifying statement)) I have done hours of research and found credible sources. Because …show more content…
"Caffeine can increase the amount of calcium that is flushed out in the urine. If you have osteoporosis or low bone density, caffeine should be limited to less than 300 mg per day (approximately 2-3 cups of coffee). It is also a good idea to get extra calcium to make up for the amount that may be lost in the urine. Older women with an inherited disorder that affects the way vitamin D is used should use caffeine with caution. Vitamin D works with calcium to build bones." (Caffeine: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings - WebMD. (2009)) Caffeine poisoning
Caffeine poisoning is a toxic condition caused by the chronic ingestion of excessive amounts of caffeine. Symptoms include restlessness, anxiety, general depression, tachycardia, dysrhythmias, tremors, nausea, diuresis, and insomnia. Signpost (walks towards center of speaker's triangle) Conclusion
(Review each main point) i have explaining what caffeine is, the positive and negative effects.
(Summarize overall theme) I have given you information about caffeine based on research.
(Conclude with a memorable and creative thought by challenging your audience) I hope you take this information into consideration next time you have any form of