Marguerite is a young girl form Stamps, Arkansas. She lives with her brother and grandmother. Bailey calls her “Maya”. She likes the nickname Bailey gave her, but she doesn't like it when other people call her something different. “Well , that may be, but the name’s too long. I’d never bother myself. I'd call her Mary …show more content…
“Twenty years. I wasn't much older than you. My name is to be hallelujah. Thats what my Ma named me, but my mistress give me “Glory”, and it stuck. I like it better too”, Mrs. Cullinan doesn't have the right to call her that because deep inside Glory’s heart she would love to be call Hallelujah.
White people weren't behind. Most black people gave them nicknames. Behind their backs though, because if they said it to their face they will probably get lynched. ”Strange pale creatures that lived in their alien unlife, weren't consider folks, they were white folks”, many colored people found these funny because they were tired of white people giving them nicknames. It was also a way to express themselves.
In conclusion I think giving people nicknames is bad. Getting nicknames from somebody you like or love it's not a big deal, but if somebody give is it to you and you don't like that person it may bother you. My family gave me “Oli” as nickname. I really loved it. But, when the person i really didn't liked gaved me a nickname I didn't like it because in my mind I was like why is she calling me that when she knows i don't like it. It felt like she was to good to call me by my