The big question up until the 18th century was how the solar system was born. There were many explanations for why this happen but many were really only conjecture given the tools available to astronomers at the time. The real question was what would be a probable origin under the known laws of physics. The advent of classical mechanics came to prove the nebular theory as the likely theory for the creation of the solar system. The reason was that most other theories could not explain how the planets formed without giving in to the Sun’s gravity and falling in.
A new argument has emerged for a different form of solar disruption theory in this version it answers the idea in a more roundabout way that answers an interesting question. We know that the formation of the solar system itself was volatile but did the Sun and its planets really form in relative isolation from other star emerging in the Nebula? This new theory that emerged in 2004 supposed proposed that the influence of other stars may have influenced the formation of planets in the solar system.
In the meanwhile the main theory stands. We know in the nebular theory that stars are formed from spinning nebulas of gases and cosmic dust. Over time the masses clump together to the point where the mass reaches the level needed for gravity to initiate fusion. The planets are formed from the clumps of debris in the nebular disk that did not fall into the Sun and that they eventually ended up colliding with each other forming planets. Any theory that suggests interference from the gravity fields of other star systems has not been tested yet. It may have merit but we don’t have the technology to test theories on such large scales.
Read more: Star formation in our Galaxy occurs in Interstellar clouds known as Giant Molecular Clouds (see Topic 7: Star Formation in ASTR 122). The Solar System formed from a cold, rotating clump inside a GMC. The initial cloud was roughly 90 % hydrogen, 9 % helium with small amounts of everyting else (like iron, carbon, oxygen, ...). This large swirling cloud that formed the Solar System is referred to as the Solar Nebula .As the cloud shrinks, it starts to spin faster (in order to conserve angular momentum). As the cloud spins faster, the centrifugal force causes it to flatten into a disklike shape. Eventually the central region of the solar nebula forms the Sun while the planets form in the disk of the solar nebula.This simple idea of flattening as the solar nebula collapses leads to a natural explanation for several of the dynamical regularities of the planets. Namely, the orbits are in the same sense, the orbits are roughly coplaner, the rotations of the planets are the same sense as the orbital motions, and the orbits of moons are in the same sense as the planet's orbits. The circularization of the orbits occurs later. |
The planets form in the midplane of the Solar Nebula as follows: * small dust grains (~10-5 m in size) embedded in the cloud collide and coalesce. This process of collision and coalescence continues until the clumps are a few hundred kilometers across. At this time the objects are referred to as planetesimals. * The gravity of the planetesimals is large enough to start attracting otherplanetesimals and so form larger bodies referred to as protoplanets. * The larger protoplanets may attract and then hold onto the hydrogren and helium gas in the surrounding Solar Nebula.The preceding process takes equires on the order of 100,000,000 years. | |
Around the same time the larger protoplanets start to capture gas, the Sun ignites nuclear fusion in its core on and generates a strong outward flow of material (an extreme Solar Wind). The Sun enters the T Tauri stage. The strong outward wind cleans out the gas from the Solar System arresting planet formation. The wind, however, does not clear out solid material. The large chunks of solid debris have a substantial impact on the evolution of the young planets.
Okay, but how does the CONDENSATION THEORY explain existence of the 3 distinct classes of planets, the Terrestrials, Jovians, and Icy planets?
The existence of different classes of planets is a natural product of the planet formation process. * After the initial phase of Solar System formation, we have a rotating disk of gas, dust, and ice-covered dust. The gas makes up the bulk of the disk. The gas is primarily hydrogen and helium, the dust is made of heavier elements and materials (silicates, iron, carbon, ...), and the ice is water, methane, and ammonia. * The Protosun is at the center of the disk and the planets will form in the disk. * The initial phases of planet formation are essentially the same for all planets (the Terrestrials, the Jovians, and the Icy planets). The solid material (the dust particles, and the ice-covered dust) collide and stick together and form planetesimals (up to asteroid size). * When the planetesimals become large enough to start attracting each other gravitationally, the largest ones grow rapidly in size and are renamed protoplanets.
It is from here that the process branches. The protoplanets eventually:
a. become Terrestrial planets;
b. start to attract and hold onto the hydrogen and helium gas of the Solar Nebula to formthe Jovian planets; or
c. become objects like the Icy planets.
Why the different outcomes for the process?
The key point which explains why the Terrestrials are rocky and in the central portions of the Solar System and the Jovians are more gaseous and in the outer portions of the Solar System is that different materials can be in the solid phase only under well-defined conditions. For example, water is liquid at room temperature on the Earth and becomes a solid below 32 F. Iron and other heavier elements are clearly solid at room temperature on the Earth and can remain solid even to very high temperatures. The exact temperatures to which materials remain solid depends the temperature, pressure, and the type of material. In general, the lighter the element, the lower the temperature at which it will vaporize. (Materials that vaporize at high temperature are referred to as refractory elements. Materials that vaporize at low temperature are referred to as volatile elements. .)
In the Solar Nebula, the inner regions of the disk are warmer than the outer regions of the disk and only relatively massive elements, the rocky materials can be solid and participate in the planet formation process. In the outer regions of the disk, the temperature decreases and becomes low enough for water to solidify (around 3-4 A.U.), ammonia to solidfy, and methane to solidify, and the outer planets start to form from rock/ice mixtures.
Jupiter, in fact, forms just beyond where water ice is first able to form. Since water is made up of hydrogen (the most abundant element in the Universe) and oxygen (one of the most abundant of the heavy elements--carbon and nitrogen are the others), the amount of planet forming material greatly increases once water forms ice. Because of this, Jupiter was able to form a giant rock/ice core (more than 10 times the mass of the Earth). This extra-large core gave Jupiter a larger gravitational pull than the Earth and allowed Jupiter to capture and then hold onto the abundant hydrogen and helium gas. Saturn also followed this route.
Uranus and Neptune started down this path, but before they could finish the job at hand,the Sun turned on and blew out the gaseous material from the Solar Nebula and stunted their growth.
The reason Uranus and Neptune were a little bit slower than Jupiter and Saturn is that since they formed in a region a little farther from the Protosun than did Jupiter and Saturn, the particles were a little farther apart and the particles were moving around a little less quickly. Consequently, the coalesence process moved along more slowly.
The Icy planets are thought to be smaller objects which formed in the outer portions of the disk around Saturn ==> Neptune. Some people believe that as many 1,000 Pluto-type objects were formed out there and that only Pluto has managed to survive. The brothers and sisters of Pluto were probably ejected from the inner Solar System by encounters with the large planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) forming the Kuiper Belt, a region which extends from ~30 A.U. (around Neptune's orbit) to 55 A.U. (outside Pluto's orbit) which contains many low-mass ice/rock objects. Since their first detection, around 1,000 Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) have been discovered and perhaps as many as 70,000 KBOs exist. Neptune's moon Triton may be a captured KBO. Georges Buffon, a naturalist, advocated the Dynamic Encounter Theory. According to this theory, the world was formed out of the molten materials from the Sun when it collided with a comet.
Dynamic Encounter Theory?
The Dynamic Encounter theory is a theory about how the earth began. There are several theories and this is just one of them. This theory believes that the earth was formed by materials from the sun.
Interplanetary dust cloud
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The interplanetary dust cloud is cosmic dust (small particles floating in space) which pervades the space between planets in theSolar System and in other planetary systems. It has been studied for many years in order to understand its nature, origin, and relationship to larger bodies.
In our solar system, the interplanetary dust particles not only scatter solar light (called the "zodiacal light", which is confined to theecliptic plane), but also produce thermal emission, which is the most prominent feature of the night-sky light in the 5-50 micrometer wavelength domain (Levasseur-Regourd, A.C. 1996). The grains characterizing the infrared emission near the earth's orbit have typical sizes of 10-100 micrometers (Backman, D., 1997). The total mass of the interplanetary dust cloud is about the mass of an asteroid of radius 15 km (with density of about 2.5 g/cm3). The dust cloud theory says that a dust cloud and gas were condensed and thus formed the planets and our sun. The Milky Way has proven to hold these types of clouds | Dust Cloud Hypothesis? - | |
It is a theory that explains how the solar system and the universe came into being. It describes a free floating gas that had condensed and turned into the stars | s a Giant Cloud of Gas and Dust - Ask.c | | | Collision theory is a theory proposed independently by [1] Max Trautz in 1916 and William Lewis in 1918, that qualitatively explains how chemical reactions occur and why reaction ratesdiffer for different reactions.[2] The collision theory states that when suitable particles of the reactant hit with each other, only a certain percentage of the collisions cause any noticeable or significant chemical change; these successful changes are called successful collisions. The successful collisions have enough energy, also known as activation energy, at the moment of impact to break the preexisting bonds and form all new bonds. This results in the products of the reaction. Increasing the concentration of the reactant particles or raising the temperature, thus bringing about more collisions and therefore many more successful collisions, increases the rate of reaction.When a catalyst is involved in the collision between the reactant molecules, less energy is required for the chemical change to take place, and hence more collisions have sufficient energy for reaction to occur. The reaction rate therefore increases.Collision theory is closely related to chemical kinetics.Continental drift is the movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other by appearing to drift across the ocean bed.[1] The speculation that continents might have 'drifted' was first put forward by Abraham Ortelius in 1596. The concept was independently (and more fully) developed by Alfred Wegener in 1912. The theory of continental drift was superseded by the theory of plate tectonics, which builds upon and better explains why the continents move.Ayon kay Angeles S. Santos ("Isang Libo at Isang Salawikain at Kasabihan", 1965), ang salawikain o kasabihan ( proverbs ) ay "mga pangungusap na hitik sa mga gintong aral" at hindi binabanggit ng minsanan o sabay-sabay." Ito ay karaniwang binubuo ng taludturan, may sukat at may tugma. Ito ang sandigan noong araw ng mga matatanda sa magandang pagpapakatao.
Ang sawikain o patambis ( idiomatic expression ) ay salita o grupo ng mga salitang patalinghaga ang gamit. Ito'y nagbibigay ng di tuwirang kahulugan.
Palaisipan at pahulaan ang bugtong. Ito'y isinasagawa tuwing may okasyon o anumang pagtitipun-tipon, sa agaran o madaliang paraan. Ito ay inilalahad nang malarawan, masagisag (masimbolismo), madalumat (magistic), dili kaya'y sa makatotohanan o realistikong pamaraan. |