The state of California for a long time has been facing enormous problems due to the growing number of people with mental health issues. Almost every family is touched by the issue of mental health. In California, either someone from the family suffers from mental health issues, or someone very close to family does. The state of California therefore has to overcome tremendous spending to bear with the consequences of this growing number of mental health issues. As a result, the state came up with proposition known as proposition 63 aimed at helping California overcome the colossal charges that mental health imposed on the state’s budget. By November 2004, proposition 63 now called Mental Health Services Act or MHSA was voted and …show more content…
The goal of this law was to help reduce the charges that the state has to bear due to the inefficiencies in how mental health is dealt with. Now that we are in 2011, which is seven year after proposition 63 was turned into a law, and investments occurred, it is certainly time to take a look at how effective this proposition was in helping California overcome the enormous spending caused by mental health issues. To evaluate this policy, a quasi-experimental study seems more accurate. The quasi-experimental method will help compare the condition of people pre-policy and post-policy for Californians between 2003 and 2009. As well as comparing those result with a similar state in demography and with mental health issues. The control state will be New York. It will also help see how the program has help California improve their health outcome. To do so, it will compare the indicators listed in the Mental Health Services Act before le law in 2003 and compare them to the same indicators measured in 2011. The difference in difference will be assumed to be the result of the implementation of the Mental Health Services Act. A more detail evaluation plan will be provided later in …show more content…
To evaluate the effectiveness of the MHSA program, we will be using a Pre-post test design with a control group. The pre-post test design will allow us to measure the potential effects of the MHSA by examining the difference in the pre-test and post-test results.
The treatment group will be people with mental illness in California that are enrolled in the program and are receiving mental health services. The control will be people with mental illness in New York where there is no public mental health service act in place. We will run both Pre-posttests in both states in using specific indicators in order to determine if there is a change in California regarding mental illness.