To provide advocacy to qualifying patients as defined in the 2007 Mental Health Act Code of practice independent mental health advocate in Northumberland.
1 To offer one-to -one advocacy and promote, develop and support other forms of advocacy as required.
2 To support individuals to speak for themselves, or to represent them where they are unable to speak for themselves if required.
3 To complete all relevant recording, monitoring and evaluation information.
4 To maintain satisfactory records and administration systems and contribute to the efficient run-ning of the service.
5 To record inputs. Outputs and outcomes in accordance with Northumberland Independent Advocacy Service procedures.
6 To identify …show more content…
10 To provide a telephone response to enquiries and requests for advocacy support.
11 To provide a response to requests for advocacy within agency time limits.
12 To carry out and complete an assessment of advocacy need.
13 To complete an advocacy plan in partnership with the client.
14 To signpost to legal advice and other appropriate services where necessary.
15 To provide confidential on-to-one IMHA advocacy.
16 To attend rele re vant levant meetings.
17 To ensure that people using the service are able to assert their rights and are supported to self-advocate whenever possible.
18 To encourage individuals to explore their potential to the fullest, push boundaries and take risks to maintain or regain increases control over their daily lives.
19 To facilitate self-advocacy groups and skills training with and for service users.
20 To work within and comply with the contractual remit of the service, IMHA code of conduct and all Adapt policies and procedures.
22 To provide Independent Mental Health Advocacy services to the public in relation to the Mental Health Act and its regulations and codes of practice.