Quite a sharp dresser me, you know I’d come home after work, wash up, put on a good shirt and make sure my hair was always combed back.’’ The fact that he is placed into his wheelchair without these desires met shows they are not adhering to his wants/needs and upholding his sense of pride. Once Joe was placed into his wheelchair his almost full catheter bag was placed on his lap while being taken down to the breakfast lounge in his dressing gown. Joe repeatedly asked several times for his glasses but this request was completely ignored. Joe used to be mobile with the aid of a walker before moving into the care home and took pride in this, Joe feels like this is all he is now worth, he stated in the video ‘’ When I came in to begin with, I was still walking, with a frame but still ... worst thing now is not being able to get to the bathroom on my own. Sometimes you know it gets too full and then it pulls. But you know at my age you expect things to start packing up, no point in complaining. It’s just the way things are’’ (NMC,2010).His liberty has been stripped from him in many ways subconsciously. In the corridor the other members of staff who passed Joe in the hallway completely blanked Joe and there was no interaction once again. Jo was taken to the breakfast lounge and seated alone looking unkempt and served his breakfast without any option of what he would like and without any choice while remarking ‘’Here is your favourite’ (NMC,2010). Joe was unable to see his food to eat it and as a result his food was removed uneaten with the staff member belittling Joe, this was evident when she asked if he was not hungry and he replied he could not see the food to which she responded ‘Why did you leave them in your room you silly thing’ (NMC,2010). The consequences of this would have a number of effects on Joe, Malnutrition from lack of food, Low self-esteem and a lack of self-worth. In
Quite a sharp dresser me, you know I’d come home after work, wash up, put on a good shirt and make sure my hair was always combed back.’’ The fact that he is placed into his wheelchair without these desires met shows they are not adhering to his wants/needs and upholding his sense of pride. Once Joe was placed into his wheelchair his almost full catheter bag was placed on his lap while being taken down to the breakfast lounge in his dressing gown. Joe repeatedly asked several times for his glasses but this request was completely ignored. Joe used to be mobile with the aid of a walker before moving into the care home and took pride in this, Joe feels like this is all he is now worth, he stated in the video ‘’ When I came in to begin with, I was still walking, with a frame but still ... worst thing now is not being able to get to the bathroom on my own. Sometimes you know it gets too full and then it pulls. But you know at my age you expect things to start packing up, no point in complaining. It’s just the way things are’’ (NMC,2010).His liberty has been stripped from him in many ways subconsciously. In the corridor the other members of staff who passed Joe in the hallway completely blanked Joe and there was no interaction once again. Jo was taken to the breakfast lounge and seated alone looking unkempt and served his breakfast without any option of what he would like and without any choice while remarking ‘’Here is your favourite’ (NMC,2010). Joe was unable to see his food to eat it and as a result his food was removed uneaten with the staff member belittling Joe, this was evident when she asked if he was not hungry and he replied he could not see the food to which she responded ‘Why did you leave them in your room you silly thing’ (NMC,2010). The consequences of this would have a number of effects on Joe, Malnutrition from lack of food, Low self-esteem and a lack of self-worth. In