As per the above discussion it is clear that Cambodia is a place where floods are one of the regular aspects. But these recurring floods are not only very big blow to the economy of the places where it occurs it leaves a strong impact on the climate of the place too. Many plants are being decayed and many animals are being died by the flood. These decayed plants and animal corpses are being carried by the flood water to different places, after the floods a new layer of sediment gets deposited on the Tonle Sap. After the floods a new layer of sediment gets deposited on the Tonle Sap, and with the yearly floods and poor drainage systems the surrounding areas of the lake transformed into marshlands.
A long lasting effect on the aquatic plants and animals of Cambodia has been created because of the water pollution. The deaths due to the different water born diseases are readily increasing. Different types of poisonous sewage wastes, plastic packets in the water bodies have killed many aquatic animals and plants. Deaths caused from water born diseases are increased in an alarming number. Other than the floods there are many other causes of water pollution in Cambodia. The causes are waters running from industries and factories, septic tanks, wastes from hospitals, oil secretion from the water vehicles and wastes thrown from the construction sites are some of them. Phnom Penh is an industrial area and the waters are highly polluted from thrown from the industries. In the agricultural areas the poisonous pesticides