Water pollution has not gotten any better. In reality, it has become much worse, and has progressed into an extremely serious situation.
Some say that water pollution is not a problem, and that it doesn’t threaten or even affect human life on earth. It is said that the earth will just absorb all of the pollution, and we will no longer have to worry about it. Pollution does not just disappear.
However, the toxins in the water are absorbed, but they don’t go away. An effect of this is acid rain, which will be explained later. The more contamination the earth sucks up, will only increase global warming because the viruses will only live in the earths crust and filter through the air. Water pollution is a problem, and it’s been a problem for a long time. Back in the ancient times, water purification was strongly advised, and many cultures all around the world took part in it. Suggestions for methods to treat water first came up in 2000 BC. In 500 BC, Egyptians used the principle of coagulation.
Coagulation removes dirt and other fragments in the water. Alum and other chemicals are added to water to attract the dirt particles. The dirt then becomes heavy enough to sink to the bottom and is easily cleaned out. The next major step in water purification started in 300 BC when Rome built the first aqueducts. The Romans created aqueducts to bring a water from far away