May 18, 2015
Unit 6 Lab 1
Dr. Barnes-Small
1. How does the plant work? How does it remove solids, reduce organic matter, and restore oxygen to the water?
The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority receives and treats wastewater collected from the District of Columbia sewer system and from the Maryland and Virginia suburbs. The treatment has two phases, in the first phase begins as debris and grit which is removed and trucked to a landfill where the sewage then flows into primary sedimentation tanks that separate the solids from liquids. The second phase is where oxygen is bubbled into treatment tanks so microbes can break down organic matter. Then the microbes convert ammonia into harmless nitrogen gas. Residual solids are settled out and the water is …show more content…
7. What are some special challenges of treating water?
Odor would be the most obvious and the nitrogen levels in the discharged water would be another challenge.
8. Is the water treated prior to its discharge? If so, with what?
Sodium hypochlorite (bleach solution) is used to kill remaning organisms in the water grom the final settling tanks. The second stage is water DE chlorination, this is where chemical (sodium bisulfite) is used to neutralize the bleach prior to the clean water discharge.
9. Where is the treatment water discharged?
Potomac River
10. Who monitors the discharge of treated effluent to ensure that it meets the standards? What are some of the standards? What happens when they are not met?
DCWASA issues three-year permits and conducts annual inspections and compliance monitoring for all significant industrial users (SIUs) in Washington, SC. SIUs in Maryland and Virginia suburbs are managed by the user jurisdictions and reported to DCWASA. Should the plant not meet the standards set fourth the plant could be forced to shut down until the are up to