|Unit aim: |This unit is about the leadership skills required by a manager to operate effectively at a strategic level. |
|Level: |7 |Unit Number: |7001 |
|Learning outcomes |Assessment criteria |
|The learner will: |The learner can:
|1. Be able to identify personal skills to |1.1 Analyse the strategic direction of the organisation |
|achieve strategic ambitions |1.2 Evaluate the strategic skills required of the leader to achieve the strategic ambitions |
| |1.3 Assess the relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve the strategic ambitions|
|2. Be able to manage personal leadership |2.1 Discuss the opportunities to support leadership development |
|development to support achievement of strategic|2.2 Construct a personal development plan to direct leadership development |
|ambitions |2.3 Devise an implementation process for the development plan |
|3. Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the|3.1 Assess the achievement of outcomes of the plan against original objectives |
|leadership development plan |3.2 Evaluate the impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic ambitions |
| |3.3 Review and update the leadership development plan |
|4. Be able to promote a healthy and safe |4.1 Assess the impact of corporate and individual health and safety responsibilities on the organisation |
|environment that supports a culture of quality |4.2 Estimate an organisational culture of quality on the achievement of strategic ambitions |
in this section you will identify what personal skills a strategic mana gere needs in order to support