Get a doctor's permission. In a lot of ways the Cambridge diet mimics a crash diet, or an enlongated calorie cycling diet. This is where a lot of arguments came up with the Cambridge Diet since even with vitamins and special dietary supplements, the first steps of this diet are well below most people's minimum calorie needs to avoid "starvation mode." The Cambridge Diet is a heavily structured diet, requiring you to use a lot of their materials such as vitamins, diet soup, and supplements. The Cambridge Diet is considered a step by step program where dieters go from one step to another as weight loss progression takes place. Follow the diet as indicated to lose a lot of weight - but be very careful to monitor yourself and your health since there are some major questions about how healthy this diet option compared to others. If at any time you feel sick or seem to be having health problems, stop the Cambridge Diet immediately and switch to a more balanced eating …show more content…
However if you are a diabetic, on a diet, or watching your sugar intake you are probably seeking a delicious diet soda pop, if you haven't already found it, to indulge your cravings with. I have been on the quest to find the best diet soda pop's on the market and in this review I will share my findings and opinions with you, to help you make an informed decision before you part with any of your hard earned cash. Of course there are the obvious national soda pop brands, that we have all heard of and probably sampled once or twice, but there are also some really great generics on the market. As well as some fantastic small local bottlers and independently owned companies too. When considering the national brands of soda pop, I have at one time or another tried them all. My refrigerator is always stocked with tried and true varieties in regular as well as diet. My friends always love the 'weird' soda pop I keep on hand to quench their thirst and satisfy their curiosity. When choosing from Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke, I always end up going with Diet Coke. I like that it is light and crisp. I find Diet Pepsi to be too 'sweet' and syrupy. Besides the obvious taste differences, I love the program. I am totally addicted to my coke rewards. I redeem points from Diet Coke packages for great rewards like free diet cokes to gift cards and magazine subscriptions. I