October, 2011
Camera Technology and How It Changed Photography
The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader about camera technology and how it changed photography. Digital photography made it cheaper to develop prints. It also made the costs of mass storage far less then disposable cameras. Digital photography changed from loading a film roll to simply loading a memory card for faster loading. This memory card also made for faster prints and instant view of photos. With better quality prints and longer-lasting products, yet another benefit is more environmental friendly photography. These advances make it possible for anyone to be a world-class photographer. Digital photography has changed the photography industry by making it cheaper, faster, and better quality than film or instant.
Camera Technology and How It Changed Photography Digital photography is less-expensive, faster, and provides better quality prints than film or instant. Digital photography is a great way for anyone to look like and feel like a world-class photographer. With the ease of digital photography you can’t go wrong! Digital photography is much less expensive to develop then film. No more waiting to finish a film roll before having it processed and there is no use of toxic processing chemicals either. With memory cards being so affordable, it is possible to hold thousands of high resolution images on a tiny reusable card. Forget take and toss and instant. Save time and money with digital.
The advances in digital photography provide faster results of the finished product. Snapped images are transferred directly to a memory card and can be viewed, edited, and printed from there. With digital you can see images immediately (Layne, 2011). Subjects always like when they can see their images right after they are taken. With digital photography being on the cutting edge, instant photo kiosks make it super-fast to
References: Cohen, D. (2011). Digital vs. film photography. Retrieved from http://www.dlcphotography.net/Digitalvs.Film.htm Layne, B. (2011). Digital camera vs. film - pros and con. Retrieved from http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/12037/photography/digital_camera_vs_fil_pros_and_cons.html Waldron, D. (2010). Digital vs. film photography & using Photoshop. Retrieved from http://www.dlwaldron.com/digitalcameras.html