Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is the NHS provided mental health care for children and young people. They are often organised in teams and work in Tiers. Tier One being universal services, Tier Two relating to community specialist services, Tier Three services are generally multidisciplinary with a range of staff and Tier Four is a highly specialised service for the most needy individuals and include inpatient units.
Social Workers and Counsellors can help with family support and provide information regarding parent support …show more content…
Helping leadership teams to evaluate school performance identify priorities for improvement and plan effective change. They contribute to whole school improvement, including effective contribution to the Every Child Matters outcomes. They provide information to governing bodies on their school’s performance and development. They help build capacity to improve learners’ achievement and well-being and to realise other key outcomes for them and they work with a range of partners to deliver challenge and support for schools and