Services for children, young people and their carers look out for opportunities for the child to develop and learn by providing a safe and secure environment for their physical and emotional well being. Services include LAC nurses, social workers, fostering social workers, teachers, CAMHS, befrienders, etc.
LAC nurses provide health services for looked after children and young people to asses health needs, promoting the health and well being of looked after children. LAC nurses visit the home once a year to assess the children in care and offer additional support when needed.
Social workers develop relationships with children, young people and their families to help people with the difficulties that they face. Social workers are located in service centres and on the phone to help people with crisis, no support or are unsure on how to access the right assistance. Social workers also visit the home to offer short-term counselling and support for difficult personal issues, exploring options, information about services, etc.
CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service) offer a range of individual, family and group work interventions or therapies to help children and young people overcome difficult parts in their lives. There are a range of individual, family and group work interventions or therapies that are offered. The keyworker will refer an individual or family for these, in discussion with the child/young person and family and the clinicians or team providing the therapy. Their services include the assessment of mental health and risk, psychological and developmental assessments, including attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, family, individual & group psychotherapy for children, adolescents & their families, models of therapy selected from a