Goal: Align the facilitation of Advanced Placement and Regular SS Curriculum to the scope and sequence for that particular subject level.
Objective: To improve the academic achievement of students in social studies advanced placement courses.
Role Persons Involved
Implement or improve the scope and sequence for Regular Social Studies courses and Advanced Placement Courses Vertical Team Members
Curriculum Department Heads
Campus Administrators
Ensure the scope and sequence is aligned with state standards in each subject area Vertical Team Members
Curriculum Department Heads
Campus Administrators
Align instruction and assessment to the District Curriculum Teachers
Campus Administrators
Campus SS Team Leaders
Design a schedule of assessments aligned with the subject in an effort to monitor learning Curriculum Department Heads
Campus Administrators
Campus SS Team Leaders
Train staff to ensure they are teaching information related to their particular subject in correlation with state standards Campus Administrators
Local Region Training Centers
Ensure administration is carefully monitoring classroom facilitation by conducting observations, walkthroughs, etc. Campus Administrators
• Assessment of the plan will take place through various benchmarks every six weeks (that are aligned and developed vertically with the curriculum) to ensure monitoring of student achievement.
• Walkthroughs from campus administrators are mandatory weekly (or more often) to monitor teacher lessons.
• Weekly lesson plans are to be turned in to campus administrators for review.
• The SS Curriculum coach (or vertical team member) will model lessons for the SS department and assist with yearly progress.
• Teachers will be required to plan weekly lessons with the campus SS Team Leaders and Implementation Coach to ensure all teachers are facilitating similar lessons