In association with the Turing test, the CRUM hypothesis relates in many ways. Computational-Representational Understanding of the Mind considers thinking to be made up of representational structures in the mind that are processed and represented by computational procedures. The main feature of CRUM is that the mind is composed of straightforward elements that work together to construct complex actions. In this way the Turing Test relates to CRUM as both programs or systems work towards exposing how the mind functions. The Turing test attempts to prove that a machine is capable of interpreting and extracting complicated details via a structure of basic knowledge and algorithms, just like a human brain does. CRUM and Turing test both employ the theory that knowledge or action on the surface is released via a collection of information and refined implications
In my personal view, I do believe that the Turing test is a sufficient control to determine if a computer is indeed thinking. I believe that if a human is unable to differentiate