Lavern Francis
COM 220
Instructor James York
August 17, 2008
Are children who grow-up in a single parent household more likely to struggle in school, get into trouble with the law, and develop serious social problems such as low self-esteem and unhealthy relationships in the future? The myth is that a single parent cannot raise a successful child. That child who grows up in a single parent household is more likely to struggle in school, get into trouble with the law and develop serious social problems. Many negative predictions for children raised by a single parent have more to do with economic hardship than the lack of one parent. Single parents have raised many well-rounded, successful people (Schuyler,2001). Children of single parents may be no more likely to suffer from low self-esteem than their peers from a two-parent home. A strong sense of self-esteem helps children resist negative peer pressure and gives them the confidence to face challenges and try new things (Jet Magazine1999). With hard work, love, positive discipline, and good parenting skills, single parents can raise capable, content, successful children.
With love, the child of a single parent can be very content. . Children, whether from a divorced home or not, need to grow up feeling as if they are worthy of someone’s love in the world. Children benefit from the presence of both men and women in their family life provided those men and women are emotionally healthy. Children may suffer more harm by living with conflict and unhealthy role models than by having one healthy, effective parent (Jet Magazine, 1999). Many parents who divorce or decide not to marry do so because they want to create a stable home for their family. If there is a great deal of conflict in a marriage or relationship, a change to a single-parent family could result in a reduction in tension, hostility and discord and an increase in family solidarity and consistency. It
References: “All Alone Raising a Child.” The Single Parent Magazine. Posted by gem on June 5, 2008. “Being a Single Parent.” American Academy of Family Physicians. Written by familydoctor.orgeditorialstaff. “Rewards Of Life As A Single Mom.” World News Connection; 05/10/2008. Unknown. Schuyler, David. "Single parent plan." The Business Journal-Milwaukee 18.18 (Jan 19, 2001): 17. General OneFile. Gale. Apollo Library. 3 July 2008 <>. Single Parents ' Kids Do As Well In School As Those In Two-Parent Homes: Study." Jet 97.21 (Oct 25, 1999): 32. General OneFile. Gale. Apollo Library. 3 July 2008 <>.