Socialist theory consists of many different theories. They all take different viewpoints and have different values to society, sport and culture (Jarvie 2006). Coakley & Pike (2009) suggest that …show more content…
culture is a way of life where there is togetherness in a society or a group. Society is defined by people who live in a specific geographic location and it’s policed with a political system and it has its own Identification of the people that live there (Coakley & Pike 2009). An example of this is the UK, it’s a society that is ruled by democracy. This is different in China, for example, who are ruled by a communist party and who live in a different geographic location to those in the UK (BBC 2009). Self-identification can be identified by nationality and the flag represented, an example of this is that the UK has the Union Jack Flag.
There are different types of feminism. Gender is seen as the main topic for feminists to why there is this theory, many other feminist theories have used this and branched of other reasons such as discrimination, equity, equality and opportunities (Birrell & Cole 1994). The first to be mentioned is liberal feminism. Houlihan (2008) suggests that liberal feminism is viewed as females being disadvantaged because they don’t have the opportunities or equality of access as men do. Houlihan (2008) also discusses that liberal feminism is seen as trying to get women to have the opportunity in sport and from this, they can view sport and its structure as a potentially positive experience. Scraton (2001) suggests that the liberal feminist philosophy on specifically looking at equality of access and opportunity; also the fact that girls and women have been deprived of their rights from boys and men do. Birrell & Cole (1994) are hopeful that things such as race, age, sexual preference and social class won’t matter, and aim to have discrimination based on gender abolished. Instead that females will one day be rewarded for their talents and then have the same equal opportunities to sport as men do.
Radical feminism is the next feminist theory to be looked at. This form of feminism also concentrates on gender. Houlihan (2003) sees radical feminism in women’s sport in a way which it’s done on the terms of male dominated governing bodies. Also the ways that’s conform male perceptions of the appropriate sport for women. This is seen as patriarchal hegemony. Tomlinson (2007) suggests that a radical feminist approach is that, male dominated and defined sport should be seriously questioned; but acknowledge positively that there are differences between all women.
Socialist feminism theory has been looked the different ideas of both Marxist and radical feminism, this has been done directly and indirectly, both these theories cover capitalism and patriarchy (Birrell and Cole, 1994). Hargreaves (1994) suggests that socialist feminists aim is to abolish class and sexual oppression. Socialist feminists are able to identify class inequities need to be abolished, if women are going to have an improvement in women’s rights (Birrell & Cole, 1994).
Liberal feminism can be seen as a good thing in sport because they (liberal feminists) aim to give girls and women the same opportunities and resources as boys and men have; this is a good thing in sports because they are trying to stop any reasons from girls and women from participating in sport (Tomlinson 2007).
Tomlinson (2007, cited in Hargreaves, 1994) suggested that liberal feminism has contributed positively in sport and it is a good thing because, they have fought for better access; better funding and rewards; coaching and having an equivalent voice to men in decision making. Liberal feminists have done for this because they believe women deserve the same equality and equity as men in sport and society. Sport can be considered a good thing through activists. Liberal feminists have put an outline to sports organisations, schools, and other associations about developing, providing and delivering sport for females. Because of the work of the likes of Women’s Sport foundation (WSF) and Women’s Sport International (WSI) they are starting to get women the opportunities of being a part of mainstream sports (Scraton …show more content…
A limitation that liberal feminism face in sport being a good thing this is, tackling more essential problems that involve masculine norms that promote violence and expansive sexism (Giulianotti 2013). Tomlinson (2007) stated a limitation with liberal feminism in sport, is that women tend to get treated differently to their male counterparts, but haven’t recognised the differences between people in their background; class; ethnicity; age; disability and sexual this then leads to them to have different experiences and expectations within the sport. Scraton (2001) suggested that liberal feminists assume that sport is good and the girls are having a positive experience to females having access. However, it is argued that girls are being put into socialized feminine physicality and boys being physicality. Examples of these are girls are doing netball, hockey and gymnastics, whereas boys are doing sports like rugby and football (Scraton 2001). Another limitation to why sport can be considered a good thing, is through the fact the females have been gender stereotyped and discriminated; therefore they have had a lack of opportunity within school and society. This could be a reason for why choose not to participate in sporting activities because they are more concerned about being stereotyped and then therefore aren’t participating in sport.
Radical feminists worked towards having women only clubs and leagues, these are being modified and organised based on feminist principles.
This is positive in sport because it's getting females to participate, have enjoyment, being active and making new friends regards of the differences between women e.g. Sexual orientation (Tomlinson, 2007). Scraton (2001) suggests also that radical feminists need to look at reconstructing or recreating sport into ways that doesn’t have the masculine, aggression or competition but it would rather celebrate women’s values. This may give females more reason to participate in
A limitation to radical feminism, is that it mostly focuses on patriarchy as the reason to women’s oppression, rather than looking at other reasons such as women’s ethnicity, class and race (Houlihan, 2008).
Although a lot of feminism criticises equal opportunities and access that men have, some sporting federations are equally supported to both female and male athletes. Sport can be considered a good thing because there is starting to see a change in sport where the financial rewards of females are the same as men. Although it isn’t common practise in many mainstream sports the likes of tennis grand slam events and the athletics governing body International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) pay the same Prize money for men and women (Fordyce 2013). To the extent of sport being a good thing, Physical Education (PE) is essential in ensuring children, both females and males get the health benefits of anaerobic and aerobic physical activity. Because of this it should give children the confidence to participate in varied sports and it should be included it into their lives both in school time and out. ([ICSSPE] 2001 cited in Armour & Harris 2013)
Limitations to sport being considered a good thing is the fact that female sports athletes feel they aren’t getting enough support in comparison to male athletes. From Fordyce (2013) report, female athletes feel that the financial rewards aren’t adequate. This is because male athletes are making so much more, and some female athletes aren’t making enough to even financially support their selves. Ethnicity can be one of many factors, considering whether sport is a good thing. This is due to PE (Physical Education) teachers not being thoughtful to difference, because they’re a homogenous identity, being generally white, non-disabled and young; there isn’t much empathy for those who aren’t as talented or motivated in PE (those of being a different ethnicity and identity), but instead focus on those who are (Armour & Jones, 1998 cited in McGee & Hardman, 2012). Depending on ethnicity this could then be seen in PE as a bad thing.
Whether sport is considered a good thing, there are arguments to suggest both are good and bad. From a liberal feminist point of view, it is regarded badly due to girls and women being disadvantaged from having the same equal opportunities. On the other hand, it looks positively as there are activists pushing for better access, rewards and funding. Radical feminist’s also have a negative view on sports. This is due to men having male dominated governing bodies and the fact that males have male dominated sport. However, radical feminist’s look positively that all females are different (for example their race, sexuality) and are looking at restructuring and recreating women’s leagues to get more females participating.