CBD is the non-psychoactive cannabis compound, while THC is regarded as a creating a “high” in users. Several studies have been done that have examined the effects of CBD, or a combination of both CBD and THC on pain. A 2007 study examining the efficacy and safety of the CBD-based drug, Sativex, in patients with neuropathic pain for neuropathic pain, found that the cannabidiol/THC buccal spray was effective in treating the pain in MS patients. The researchers concluded that the “treatment of symptoms of multiple sclerosis, notably spasticity and neuropathic pain, as well as the treatment of neuropathic pain of other aetiologies.” Source …show more content…
Cannabinoids, particularly cannabidiol (CBD), has shown to be effective at treating pain of various forms. As the opiate epidemic grows and more lives are lost as a result of addiction and overdose, an alternative and non-lethal form of treatment should be welcomed. States that have passed medical marijuana laws have experienced a decline in the number of painkiller prescriptions and opiate-related overdoses. Medical marijuana offers a much safer option, and is providing the pain relieving benefits of prescription painkillers but without the negative side effects. Medical Marijuana is gradually become the new