The use of illegal drugs in the twenty-first century is very common. Cannabis, also known as marijuana, and other well-known names, are among the most frequently used drugs today. Marijuana comes from cannabis sativa, which is a hemp plant. The plant contains a chemical which is known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Some people smoke marijuana in hand-rolled cigarettes or in pipes or water pipes while other mix marijuana in foods such as brownies, cookies, or candy, or brew it as a tea. There are a few benefits of using cannabis. It’s used as a medicinal drug and can minimize physical pain and alleviate psychological disorders, such as anxiety and depression. However, the use of cannabis …show more content…
This is because it contains THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which affects the brain, can increase your heart rate by as much as two times for up to three hours, and can cause low sperm count in men. Although there are medical uses for marijuana, it is a dangerous drug and the physical costs it has to the user outweigh the benefits.
Marijuana is mostly known to have a negative impact on the brain. The presence of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) causes a harmful effect on a person’s ability to function. The brain stores memories in two different ways; long term memory and short term memory. A long term memory is all the things you remember that happened a long time ago, and short term memory is when you hold a small amount of information in your mind for a short period of time. The science of marijuana stated in 2012 article, “Some people believe smoking marijuana carries no risk.” (The science of marijuana how THC affects.. Nov/Dec 2011). Marijuana is organic, which means it’s kind of good for some people. Most people will agree because some people use …show more content…
It contains THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is known to affect the brain, increase your heart rate by as much as two times for up to three hours, and can shallow your breathing. Medically, every drug has its advantages and disadvantages, but the effects depend how much and how the drug is been taken and what disease does it cure. This research focused on the negative consequences of the use of marijuana. Morally, the use of drugs might be inappropriate. The use of drugs should be based on the purpose and if the after effects are treatable. A common knowledge to know is not to abuse a drug or use a drug without a doctor’s