Marijuana is the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis plant. It is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States, enabling one to have altered senses and hallucinations. Organizations have formed by those who wish to legalize marijuana, at least for medicinal purposes, but critics of such efforts argue that the drug does more harm than good. While some may benefit from the legalization of medical marijuana, such as those with Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, cancer, epilepsy, and Tourette syndrome, there are many fears and negative points concerning the drug. Medical marijuana should become legalized with stipulation regarding uneasiness that some will use the drug for recreational …show more content…
Although medical marijuana is used to treat common symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, not all physicians agree that marijuana should be prescribed for medical conditions. Many doctors do not feel comfortable prescribing marijuana because of the lack of scientific data available on the associated health benefits and risks. There are some known side effects that tag along with ingestion of the drug, such as negative effects on brain development, including impaired thinking, memory, and diluted learning functions. It also affects the heart and lungs, with breathing problems associated with smoke inhalation, frequent lung illness, and higher risk of lung infections. While medical marijuana could be a benefit to people with medical conditions, serious or otherwise, there are many dangers and downsides to the legalization of marijuana.
Mass legalization of medical marijuana could be the superlative option for many with degrading and chronic conditions, such as cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Cannabis has been used for centuries as a medicine, possessing various therapeutic effects. Most acknowledged among these are pain relief, appetite stimulation, nausea and vomiting mitigation, anti-spasticity and anti-spasmodic effects, and intraocular pressure reduction in patients with glaucoma. Medicinal marijuana, if legalized, could help those desperately in need of pain relief and provide comfort to those with chronic