Cannibalism In Colonial America
In this book, Watson discusses how gender, race and imperialism have affected cannibalism, specifically when European colonizers came to the Americas. With the use of primary documents, such as letters, art, and travel accounts, the image of the cannibal in the 16th and 17th century is constructed. She argues that the European colonizers created a hierarchy with the native people, viewing natives as inferior and savage. Along with this, the gender binary system, with males being portrayed as dominant, portrays the colonization of the Americas as the masculine colonizers defeating the feminine, savage, and cannibalistic natives. Watson’s analysis demonstrates that the stereotypes of cannibalism were fabricated by Western societies. Due to this
conclusion, there is a possibility that society’s ideas of cannibalism can be changed, which has proven true with modern representations of the cannibal appearing more likeable, such as Hannibal Lecter.