Set Up Directions:
Step 1: Copy and Paste the background questions (found on the "Background Questions" page link at the bottom of this page) onto the word document you have created and saved as "LastnameCanterbury" (please use MLA format for header, font, ect.). Step 2: Use the "Resource" link to help answer the questions. Step 3: After you have copied and pasted your questions and your document is prepared please complete the following tasks (READ ALL OF THE DIRECTIONS BEFORE YOU BEGIN): Task Directions: 1. Read through each question and search the internet for resources that provide answers. (There are a few resources you can use as a starting point for your research under the "Resources" page of this Google Site, but please try to journey beyond these websites)
2. Using the information you find, answer each question IN YOUR OWN WORDS in order to avoid plagiarisim. If you simply copy and paste answers you will recieve NO CREDIT! After each answer you write, provide the URL from the source(s) you found your answer from. IMPORTANT: Remember to save your document along the way so you do not lose any work.
3. When you have successfully answered all of the questions please double check that your word document is formatted using MLA guidelines (aside from your citations which can be in URL format) and continue to the page on this Google Site titled "Making Connections".
4. Complete the "Making Connections" questions in your word document and submit work to
Now that your have read the directions it is time to EXPLORE!
1. Who is the author of The Canterbury Tales? List five facts about this author’s early life (biographical information). The author is Geoffrey Chaucer. * He worked for Elizabeth the countess of Ulster in 1357 * He went to the war in France * He