Comparative Data
Resource: Ch. 14 of Health Care Finance
Complete the following table by writing responses to the questions. Cite the sources in the text and list them at the bottom of the table.
|What criterion must be met |Consistency: Important when comparing data to make sure the data compared was prepared the correct way and done the same each time. |
|for true comparability? | |
| |Verification: Any data obtained should be able to be verified no matter who obtained it. This goes back to consistency also, no matter who obtains the data the outcome should still be the |
| |same. |
| | |
| |Unit measurement: The data type should be consistent. For instance, if data is being collected on red blocks, all data should be based directly on red blocks alone. |
|What elements of consistency |Period of collection: The time periods of data collected should match in order to be compared. If you take the amount of money made by a facility in a week and compare that to money made |
|should be considered? Provide|in a year by another facility that would not be comparable.
References: (2012, 09). Comparative Data. Retrieved 09, 2012, from Baker, J. J., & Baker, R.W. (2012). Healthcare Finance (3rd ed.)