1. Do you use your car more during vacations/holidays?
1. Yes
2. No
2. Do you enjoy travelling during vacations/weekends?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Do you take your own car if going out on a vacation?
1. Yes
2. No
4. What brand of car you have?
1. Maruti Suzuki
2. Hyundai
3. Tata Motors
4. Mahindra
5. Honda
6. Renault
7. Toyota
8. Ford
9. Volkswagen
10. Nissan
11. Any other
5. In which segment does your car fit best?
1. Hatchback
2. Sedan
3. SUV
4. Luxury
5. Any other
6. What model of the car you have?
1. Base Model
2. Mid Level Model
3. Top Model
7. How much time do you normally spend in your car?
1. Up to 1 hour
2. 1 to 2 hrs
3. 2 to 4 hrs
4. More than 4 hrs
8. Do you have any accessory in your car?
1. Yes
2. No
9. If yes, then what accessories from the following are there in your car?
1. Amplifiers
2. Car Bluetooth
3. Wheel Cover
4. Sound System
5. LCD/Video Screens
6. Carpets
7. AUX Cable
8. Exterior Mirrors/Lights
9. Center Locking System
10. GPS Navigation
11. Any Other __________________________
10. How much you have spent on these accessories?
1. Up to Rs.5000
2. Rs.5000 – Rs.10000
3. Rs.10000 – Rs. 20000
4. Rs.20000 – Rs50000
5. Rs.50000 to 1 lac
6. More than Rs. 1 lac
11. How many accessories are fitted from outside shops?
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. More than 4
12. How many accessories are fitted from Showroom?
6. One
7. Two
8. Three
9. Four
10. More than 4
13. Please rank these accessories according to their importance for you. 1 means most important and 10 means least important.
1. Amplifiers
2. Car Bluetooth
3. Wheel Covers
4. Sound System
5. LCD/Video Screens
6. Carpets
7. AUX Cable
8. Exterior Mirrors/Lights
9. Center Locking Systems
10. GPS Navigation
14. How do you get to know about the accessories?
1. Showroom
2. Friends/Family
3. Internet
4. Any Other