What’s interesting about your blood is that it actually tells your doctor so much about your personality and your history. It is pretty wild that your doctor can get to know you well without even having to ask you a single question, right?
Here are some other unique aspects about your life that you can analyze through a simple blood test.
1) Age
Have you ever heard the phrase “it’s not the year of the car, it’s the miles that it has on it?” That statement …show more content…
You may be a 50 year old person that looks and performs like someone who is 40. Your blood is a great indicator for showing you your age by your biological clock, instead of simply going by your age since the day that you were born.
Eating a healthy diet as well as regular exercise is a great way to keep your blood and yourself young and healthy. Inactivity, smoking, frequent alcohol consumption, and a poor diet will make you age faster.
2) Concussion history
For years, concussions have been elusive traumatic incidents to diagnose. The issue is in that concussions are so severe that if they go without being diagnosed and if they happen too closely together, serious cognitive damage can occur to the brain. In the worst possible scenario, death can’t be ruled out.
New research findings have indicated that a simple blood test can show whether or not you have suffered a concussion. Doctor’s are starting to use protein marker blood tests to diagnose if a concussion has occurred. The tests are effective within a week of head trauma.
3) Hydration …show more content…
Now doctors can use a simple blood test to observe the level of joy-inducing hormones that are found in your bloodstream. Those hormones that are found in your blood are the same hormones that are produced by your brain, which are expressed by joy and happiness.
Low levels of vitamin D can also be associated with depression, and your doctor can get a good read on your vitamin D levels by analyzing the results of your blood test. A blood test for depression can help your physician diagnose the severity of your depression, which will help them prescribe the right medications and behaviors to treat it.
6) Your Ailment History
Did you know that your doctor can get a pretty intimate look at what kind of illnesses you’ve had and the number of times that you have been sick, just by taking a look at your blood? After you get sick with a any kind of illness, cold, flu, or disease, your body regularly develops antibodies to combat