Over the next twenty to two hundred years, sixty-five to eighty percent of carbon dioxide will be observed into the ocean. This results in affecting the earth over thousands of years after (Carbon Dioxide). Along with this in twenty-twelve, eighty-two percent of carbon dioxide was produced from human activities (Calculator). This results in not only harming the world for the next thousand of years, but also affects the air we breathe in everyday. In addition, the United States average household emissions release is sixty-two thousand two hundred and fifty pounds within a year. Even with many corporations trying to reduce the Carbon Dioxide level within the air, how can many households do the same?
My Carbon Footprint average is closer to sixty-four thousand pounds per year with three people in my household. Many of the major sources the carbon comes from, can be reduced if not deleted at all. Five major sources of our footprint, at my house, from greatest to least is as follows: natural gas, driving three vehicles, each going one hundred and fifty to one hundred and seventy-five miles a week, which makes nine thousand one hundred miles a year, along with air conditioning being a main problem in the summer instead of winter, also our vehicles not being hybrid and using electricity rather than gasoline, in addition, our propane usage when used to cook out (Calculator). If we reduced many of these things, the world would be seven thousand two hundred forty-six pounds lighter. While also saving us a grand total of seven hundred forty-four dollars a year.
According to the Cool Climate Calculator, my household releases seventy-point-eight tons of carbon dioxide per year. Granted this is twenty-one point nine percent better than other households within my area, it still affects the world around us (CoolClimate Carbon Footprint Calculator). If we were to reduce the carbon dioxide in the air, numerous things would need to be changed. Many including