I’ve be a fan of Cardi B since her “hoe never gets cold” vine blessed my cellphone a couple of years ago. When she announced that she would start making music, I was certain that I wouldn’t be a fan, and she proved me right as her original music was nothing more than garbage juice. When she released “Bodak Yellow”, it was the first song to catch my attention, as it sounded polished and well put together. With the success of “Bodak Yellow” and the verses she has released recently, she actually has a number of people anticipating her album. To me it’s clear as day that she has a writer, and she even went on stage bragging how she will copy any rapper style as she desires. With the way hip-hop is today, it seem like Atlantic and fans don’t give a damn as long as she is making hits. …show more content…
Where it gets complicated is when the artist denies having help. Kanye and Drake have both given credit to anyone who has helped in their creative process. CyHi stated that Kanye would give you credit on his album just because you were in the room. Hip-hop has turned into pop music and labels are going to do everything they can to make the most money possible. With more eyes than ever focused on the genre, don’t be surprised 15 years from now if “collaborative writing” is looked at as a normal