Appendix L
CardioLab Report
Full Name || Date | 01/02/2011 |
Use this document to report your findings from the CardioLab Exploration Experiment. The lab report consists of three sections: Data, Exploration, and Lab Summary. * Data: copy any data, graphs, charts, or notes that you have saved in your CardioLab online notebook into this section. * Exploration: Answer the questions. The questions in the Exploration section are the same questions in your CardioLab instructions. * Lab Summary: Write a 100- to 200-word summary.
To copy your data from your online notebook into this section, click on Export Text and then copy and paste your data into this section. You must disable your pop-up blocker before exporting. Identify each set of data with a title.
CardioLab Lab Notes
Time MAP Pulse Stroke Vol TPR Blood Vol
0:00 82.02 69.86 78.48 1194.29 6.20
0:01 81.56 69.73 78.34 1192.0 6.20
0:02 81.12 69.6 78.22 1189.8 6.20
0:03 80.47 69.49 78.1 1184.16 6.20
0:04 79.54 68.91 77.99 1182.38 6.20
0:05 79.25 68.85 77.9 1180.88 6.20
0:06 79.02 68.79 77.83 1179.68 6.20
0:07 78.24 68.76 77.48 1174.14 6.20
0:08 78.15 68.75 77.46 1173.69 6.20
0:09 78.12 68.75 77.45 1173.56 6.20
0:10 78.15 68.77 77.46 1173.73 6.20
0:11 78.22 68.81 77.49 1174.15 6.20
0:12 78.34 68.85 77.52 1174.78 6.20
0:13 78.49 68.9 77.57 1175.59 6.20
0:14 78.67 68.96 77.63 1176.53 6.20
0:15 78.86 69.02 77.68 1177.56 6.20
Answer the following questions in fewer than 100 words:
Activity 1: Normal Values of Cardiovascular Physiology 1. What are the normal values for each electrical activity? The Carotid Sinus recording measures electrical activity from a cluster of neurons that are located in the wall of each internal carotid artery. The Vagus recording is the measuring of