William Felton, Jr.
Grand Canyon University: <PCN-515>
For this assignment, I consulted with the district counselor, Kimberly Jones, for my school system. Due to her busy schedule, I was asked to develop a template of the questions and assessment tools that I needed knowledge about. The following information was provided:
Personality Test
Name: Type Focus
Publisher: Type Focus ™
Purpose/Use: We use Type Focus as a tool to help students understand themselves at a deeper level and how that affects how they work and interact with others and how it can impact their career outlook.
Validity and Reliability were tested:
Reliability Results
The reliability of the TypeFocus …show more content…
My method of selection was based on interest and my involvement with students in the school system. I felt that in gaining understanding about how personalities can attribute to behavior, I can broaden my competence with knowing and recognizing how and why people make the choices they make.
Career Test
Name: Career Cruising
Publisher: Career Cruising
Purpose/Use: We use Career Cruising to supply students with a list of potential career options based on their intests.
Validity and Reliability:
Career Cruising’s new Learning Styles Inventory, developed in collaboration with research firm Higher Education Strategy Associates, helps users identify their preferred learning method and explains the impact this has when they are studying or learning new information. Educators have access to reports aggregating their students’ results, which they can use to tailor instructional techniques to better meet their students’ needs. To assess the effectiveness of Career Cruising’s new Learning Styles Inventory, high school students completed the new inventory and another widely used tool. The two inventories produced very comparable assessments despite their different approaches, so we are confident in the validity of Career Cruising’s new Learning Styles Inventory.
Norm …show more content…
Validity and Reliability:
Internal reliability (reliability between test items) has been impressive. This is all the more remarkable in view of the volume and breadth of the item bank, and the fact that MAP is an adaptive test. MAP users can be confident of the reliability of their tests. The rigor that has been applied to the reliability studies has left no doubt that the MAP assessment system has been constructed, and continues to be maintained, in a manner that assures more than adequate reliability.
Test and re-test studies have consistently yielded statistically valid correlations between multiple test events for the same student.
Norm Data:
The MAP assessments are "normed" every three years. That means comparisons among all U.S. students taking the test are updated every three years, which ensures that the comparisons remain accurate, reliable and useful to educators. Our school has one more year before the test is updated