I completed the career exploration tool in Week 1 of the class and it gave me an option for a career as a Human Resource Manager. In this field I would be involved in recruiting, hiring, and training of employees. I would work with executive management to develop and implement staffing and compensation plans, and work to attract and retain qualified employees. Oversee training and development initiatives. Manage compensation and benefits structure and provides information to employees. Monitors compliance with employment-related regulations. Implements company policies and deals with staffing or disciplinary issues as needed.…
After reviewing the descriptions of each milestone click on home button to go back to your career dashboard to explore this page further and complete the table below.…
Here is the report that you request June 17, 2013 based on your career path evaluation.…
I chose Petroleum Engineering, because it is a fascinating field in engineering which helps the community by providing a supply of power in an efficient manner. Additionally, it is a job that is bountiful in Texas and as a plus the pay is amazing.…
My career goal is to have the ability to encourage, motivate, inspire, and stamp the lives of young teenagers. I chose to go into the career cluster of Education and Training. My career goal is to be a High School teacher and an Athletic Coach. I want to be considered one of the “cool teachers” that all the students go to with the school gossip and personal problems, but at the same time I want to be a teacher/coach that takes things seriously. I believe I would be successful pursuing teaching and coaching due to the fact they both share my interest of working with kids and being in charge. I also tend to believe with my grandmother and my mother also being teachers, it influenced my decision because…
One career that I am interested in is an Account Executive in Advertising. Tasks for such a job include: planning ads for businesses, picking the best way to advertise, meeting with artists to plan ads and show plans to customers. Other qualities are figuring out the costs of ads, working with budgets, layouts, computers, and products being presented. To be a successful Account Executive, one must be good at organizing projects and making decisions along with getting along well with others, being creative, dealing with stress, and speaking and writing well. It is recommended that you have a 4-Year Degree. It is recommended that you sell things, speak in public, write for a newspaper, work on a market research project, or play sports leading up to the job. The salary range for such a job is $66,500 to $102,500 per year. There is occasional travel that accompanies the job. Typically, most work is done in an office. It is a medium size category and is on the decline. Another career that I am interested in is a Financial Manager. He is responsible for keeping records of money a business makes and what it spends in taxes, wages, and benefits. He also looks at how much money a business made previously and estimates what it will make in the future along with telling management about new tax laws and insurance changes and making reports to the government. He gives management advice on how to spend their money, and uses computers, government reports, tax forms, insurance policies, audits, calculators, and financial reports. To be a good Financial Manager you have to understand business and finance and look at and understand detailed information. You also have to think creatively and solve problems and manage staff, along with speaking and writing well. You have to be good with computers and working independently. It is required that you have a 4-year degree for this job but it is highly recommended that you have a graduate degree. To prepare for…
For my career exploration paper I choice the following job Marriage and Family Therapists. That said, Most of my career information that is use in my paper will be from O*NET Online (National Center for O*NET Development, 2014).…
Have you ever wondered what it was like in ancient times? How they dress, what they did, and what were their rules? These are questions people ask themselves or each other every day. This essay will focus on the come up of China and Egypt and a few things they did to get their civilization off the ground.…
I also went to Nebco, which is a construction business that fixes and builds roads. I learned that they like to hire a lot of people with agriculture backgrounds because a…
The career that I chose to research was Middle School Education and Teaching. I chose this career because I have always liked going and being at school, I’ve always liked being able to learn new things, and be able to work and be with people every day. A teacher is an educator who provides education for students. Being a teacher can help students in many ways even out of the classroom. A middle school teacher normally teaches the grades sixth to eighth. The reason there is a middle school is to get the students prepared for harder classes in high school. A few things that a teacher does is prepare lessons, quizzes, and tests over the material that they learned. They can teach subjects anywhere from science, math, english, spanish, and any other courses that the school provides. Teachers prepare report cards, talk with the student's parents if needed. They also have to enforce rules and regulations and make sure all students follow them. Teachers don’t just teach they help students with their personal lives and help them grow up to be a better person in the world. Teachers provide and educate students on all core subjects and with learning life skills. A teacher’s work environment is normally…
Veterinary technicians and technologists rated 6 in the top 30 fastest growing jobs in 2010 and is planned to continue to increase its rate of growth through 2020. They have an average yearly salary ranging from 51,530-114,100 and work between 40-50 hours a week (9-10 hrs. a day and about $39.86 an hour). An average day for a small animal vet (reptiles, cats, dogs, birds, etc.) diagnoses illnesses, gives vaccinations, prescribe medications, treats wounds, sets fractures, performs surgeries, advises pet owners, and other medical procedures. There are many strongly important qualities a vet possesses to be better able to perform his/her job and not all can be learned.…
A police officer is something I have always had an interest in becoming. Law enforcement is an exciting career that can open many doors to different jobs, from patrolling the streets to protecting important political figures. Police officers are an essential part of the communities in our nation, offering citizens protection from criminals, preventing crimes, and serving the members of their community.…
In my next couple of years of college, I am expected to declare a major for a career I want to do everyday of my life. Some possible career choices I'm considering pursuing are crime scene investigation, nursing, and pharmacy. In this paper, I will emphasize on crime scene investigation.…
Growing up, I had no idea what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. My whole world evolved around sports, but I knew the chances of making money playing a sport were slim. My father owns a pipeline business, and my mom owns a boutique shop so I knew I would go into a business management plan. At ten years old, my father always took me to work with him on the weekends. That was one of the best things I got; young experience is what I needed. He taught me to operate heave machinery, mix concrete, work on pipelines; moreover, he taught me what it takes to be a self-mannered, respectful employee. Since then, I knew what to do with my life and I am very lucky to have such inspirational parents to motivate me for my goal in life. I look up to them in so many ways and appreciate all they have done for my siblings and I. Hopefully, I can provide for my family like my father has for ours.…
High school has been an unyielding path. These four years of my high school career have had some positive and even some negative conflicts. Initially, I was very naive and I did not put much effort into school. My grades had dropped at a point where I was having some difficulty to bring them back up, mainly because I was never too strong in subjects such as math or English. But that was an issue that I had to face by worrying less and concentrating more. However, throughout these four years of high school I have improved my ability to learn and also have identified the creative and thoughtful side of me and with these skills I have given back to my community by making it cleaner and more efficient for the next generation. Thankfully, with…