Throughout the year, I learnt that seeking perfection is an impossible task, especially that we learn from mistakes and failures. Therefore, it is important to analyze the outcomes and to reflect on what led to certain results rather than focusing on the negative result itself. Another lesson that my experiences during this year taught me is that no matter where you go or what you do, you will always find people who support and encourage you, yet you will encounter others who try to take advantage of you. Along …show more content…
the way, you will also meet those who underestimate you just because you don’t like to talk about your accomplishments or to share your personal life. Although, it was hard to not feel offended in certain situations, I believe that the best reaction is to respond with a smile, to stay committed and to recognize that you don’t have to prove yourself to everybody.
One of the key characteristics of autonomous learners is to understand one's strengths and weakness. However, before taking this course I focused on my flaws and I have never acknowledged my good qualities. For instance, It has been two years since I started studying abroad and during this entire period of time both in the US and here I have always belittled myself for not speaking a perfect English. Criticizing my English skills made me neglect the fact that I am fluent in two other languages. By comparing myself to other students, I lost both my self confidence and the ability to see my strengths. However, when I wrote my first paper for UPEI 103, I realized that in addition to comprehending my weaknesses I should have faith in my capacities . This was definitely the major shift in my definition of an autonomous learner.
Overthinking is the main obstacle that sometimes stops me from expressing my opinion or getting involved in certain discussions. I remember the first day taking UPEI 103. I felt so anxious and self conscious because I thought that I am not smart enough or that no one would find my ideas interesting. However, I managed to force myself to participate at least once per class. It was not easy to raise my hand but challenging myself made me realize that no one is there to judge me and that I am my worst critic.
I believe that the secret of success is defining your own goals and taking steps that get you closer to the ultimate goal. Writing my paper for UPEI 103 about time management and my goals allowed me to have a clear view of both my academic and personal goals. Using the S.M.A.R.T technique facilitated the process of setting both short term and long term goals. It also encouraged me to track my progress and to take the right actions.
I have been working so hard to achieve the goals that I set for myself at the beginning of the semester. As I mentioned in my paper, my aim is to achieve excellent grades and to stay on top of my assignments and papers. I have been doing well so far, but with the finals approaching I sometimes get overwhelmed and anxious due to the work overload. My personal goals have remained the same throughout the semester. I have been trying to minimize stress and to take care of my health and my body by paying attention to my diet and sleeping schedule. Honestly, there were days when I skipped meals or slept for two hours because of tests or homeworks, but I am getting better at dealing with my duties without compromising my well being.
Another goal that I am still trying to accomplish is to gain work experience and to volunteer in order to enhance my resume. The worst part about studying abroad is the fact that you have to start from scratch. I have always been an active person when it comes to competitions, volunteer and even work. Finding a job has never been a problem since I used to help my parents in their work as a summer job. However, right now I am struggling to find a job or volunteer opportunities since my resume is lacking. Hopefully, I will be able to solve this issue by the end of summer.
Taking nine courses at UPEI so far have broadened my knowledge in different areas. The combination of classes, labs and projects have contributed to my growth both as a student and a person. The information I gathered in Nutrition 101 and Foods 111 had a great impact on my lifestyle. I am now more aware of what I should change when it comes to my diet and how certain habits can harm my body. Since I am always eager to learn more and to share my knowledge especially with my family, I feel more confident now because I have reliable and credible sources of information.
The group project for UPEI 103 is definitely the most challenging task in this semester. Although I am an introvert, I managed to deliver good presentations throughout the years. I took part in national competitions where I had to speak in front of hundreds of people. I gave presentations in different languages for various classes and I even represented my country in a culture fair last year in New York. However, this particular project is the most difficult one mainly because I don’t know the other group members so well and because our definitions of a good presentation are different. For instance, when the professor mentioned that the best group will have the chance to participate in the showcase and because I am very ambitious, I was willing to give my best to earn the invitation. However, as soon as we started working on the project, I realized that not everyone’s goal is similar to mine and that it is impossible accomplish a goal without the cooperation of the entire team. When I saw how one particular team in my class was working, I realized that they got the spirit that my group did not have and they deserve to win. The moral of this experience is that a group project reflects teamwork and the efforts of the entire group and that one person cannot work on behalf of the whole group.
My learning style has not changed so much, but discovering more about the various learning techniques encouraged me to try new methods once in awhile. For example, I have been using the SQ3R reading strategy for multiple courses which helped me to save time and energy. I still struggle with studying in the library because I feel more comfortable studying by myself at home away from any possible distractions. However, one of my resolutions is to use university resources more often. I think I can start by utilizing the study rooms and eventually I would be able to get used to studying in public spaces.
The very first student profile that I read was the one entitled Experiential Learning. It is about three fourth year students who were never involved on the UPEI campus before taking University 100. However, by their fourth year, they became active members in the UPEI community. I relate to this particular story because since this is my first year here, it is very hard to find where to start and how to get involved. However, reading about these students and their transformation proved to me that everything is possible and that I still have the chance to start volunteering. Hopefully by the end of my journey I will be an active member of the campus community.
One of the hardest decisions to make is choosing a particular career or field of study.
I found the career cruising matchmaker a great tool to have a better idea about one’s skills and options. My top results included careers in health and medical fields such as chiropractor, allergist, dermatologist, neurologist and cardiologist. In fact, they depict the area in which I am interested. I chose nutrition and dietetics as a career because I believe that my skills and personality are suitable for this profession. My desire to pursue this path grew even stronger after writing the career exploration paper. Having the chance to talk with a dietitian and a senior student was an enlightening experience that motivated me to keep on working towards my goal and to gain the skills and knowledge to thrive in this field.
In conclusion, this reflection on my first year as a UPEI student demonstrates how two semesters can affect one’s life. This memorable experience altered the academic and personal aspects of my life. It taught me priceless lessons that will help me to overcome future obstacles and to grow as a