Career Research Project: I went out and interviewed one person who dealt government accounting. Before I begun my interview I asked him to explain to me what government accounting was and what it dealt with. What I gathered from him was that Governmental accounting is a term that refers to the diverse accounting organization used by a range of non-private segment bodies. I also got to learn that government accounting applies the significant method of finance accounting. He further explained to me that a set of divided, self-balancing accounts are accountable for supervising funds that are allocated to particular functions based on policy and restrictions. I further learned that there was a difference between government accounting and private accounting. When private accounting deals with measuring the economic flow, government accounting rather deals with determining the flow of financial resources. Roughly, put this means that government accounting recognizes income when the funds are on hand for insolvency rather than identify revenue when earned and expenses when sustained.
As I began my interview I sort out to know what it was that had made him choose this career path not. He told me that there was no particular rezone for his choice ,a lot of things had made him chose this path . His major rezone for choosing this career path was because the government paid better than private organizations. According to him, one is more stable when employed by the government rather than private companies. He told me that the money he earn’s from being a government accountant is more than enough. The second rezone he gave me of why he choose a career in accounting and to be specific government accounting was because according to him accounting is the easiest jobs to find.
The explanation to this was that every organization, every business large or small every company in spite what they produce needs an accountant; according to his views
Cited: Peterson, Raymond H. Accounting for Fixed Assets. New York: J. Wiley, 2002. Print Government Accounting: a Guide on Accounting and Financial Procedures for the Use of Government Departments. London: TSO, 2005. Print.