Imagine that you could do anything, forgetting the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities required, or how much it would cost you to do it. What if you could have any career you wanted anywhere in the world? What would that career be? Close your eyes and visualize yourself in that career, now hold that image in your mind. The thought of choosing and planning for a future career can be challenging for many. Many times this is simply because you might not know where to begin your search. There are so many career possibilities available, how do you select the right one for yourself? Career decisions dramatically impact your life. The path you choose will determine where you live, your income, how much time you spend at home, your travels, and how you spend your leisure time. Choosing a career is more of a journey than a destination, and there is no one right path to take. You may travel many different paths before finding the one that offers you the most satisfaction. Although there are numerous opportunities available to you, you do have to start somewhere in your search. There are many factors to consider when selecting a career. These factors include nearly every aspect of one 's life.
According to Beach, we tend to make decisions as follows: first, we survey the situation to figure out what is wrong; then we decide what we are going to do about it; finally, we take action (Eikleberry, 1999, p 05). Making good decisions depends upon gathering good information. The first step is to gather information about you. What do you like to do with your time? What activities do you perform especially well? What are the things in life that are most important to you? Interest 's likes and dislikes, skills competencies and knowledge, and values (where you place importance) are some of the most important factors to consider when exploring the choice of a concentration and a future career. Knowing yourself well
References: Caple, J. (1983). Careercycles: A Guidebook to Success in The Passages and Challenges Of Your Work Life Englewood cliffs: Prentice Hall Greenhaus, J. H., Callahan, G.A., Godshalk, V.M. (2000). Career Management. (Third edition) Orlando: Bardwick, J.M. (1986) The Plateauing Trap New York: AMACOM Unknown (2003) [Online]