The MBTI assessments relate to Jung's theory of personality development (Jung, 1948/1969, p. 215 [CW 9 pt. 1 para. 397]).Make the theory of psychological types described by Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist born in July 26, 1875 was influence by Sigmund Freud and educated in University of Basel. His theory was based on behavior, basic differences in the way individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment. The MBTI assessment is on Jung's ideas about perception and judgment, and the attitudes in which these are used in different types of people. His aim is to identify, from self-report of easily recognized reactions, the basic preferences of people in regard to perception and judgment, so …show more content…
I see myself as thoughtful, responsible, and dependable. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator, assessment, does indicate what you need to develop. Mind was the powers of concentration. The assessment did bring out that I am interested in, keeping families traditions, supporting and promoting traditions that for generation my family establish. I proud myself in organizing family events, my MBTI test indicate I was organized and hardworking. I found this to be true, I work steadily towards identifying my goals, and I usually accomplish any task, once I have set my mind to it.
There are several benefits of the MBTI assessment to consider. The key element of the MBTI assessment is giving an explanation of ones understanding of themselves. Recognizing how the assessment works can explain why you accept some behaviors of other people in your life. Not knowing yourself will lead to confusion and wasting time. I recall when I completed high school I had no idea of what I wanted to do, when we don't know where we are headed it's hard to set goals, get motivated and determine the best course of