As he looked down the length of his naked body, he saw the skin on his legs begin to blister and peel away. I am in hell, he decided. God, why hast thou forsaken me? He knew this must be hell because he was looking at the brand on his chest upside down . . . and yet, as if by the devil’s magic, the word made perfect sense.”
In a way we can see just by the way that these crimes are staged that Carlos enjoys the violence and crude killings. It might seem odd for someone so high in status of the religious community to carry out such heinous acts but that is what makes Carlos a villain. The innocence we harbor when we are younger slowly decays as we age and start to learn our rights from wrongs. What goes on in the minds we may never know but to them killing may be the right thing to do. After all, they still are humans and we all still stand and act on what we believe. Even if those actions change the world the better or for the worst. This world if filled with cruel people and even though Carlos might be fictional he embodies them all in a single