Assignment on Resume and Investment Banking news
Subject name: Introduction to business
Assignment no-01
Submitted to: Nusrat Jahan
Lecturer of B.B.A program
Faculty of Business Administration
Uttara University Submitted by:
Mostafiza Jahan Eami ID:F21021111044 Batch:-22nd(A) Submission date:13th April 2013
Dream Developments
1.1 History of Real Estate in Bangladesh:
The urbanization of Bangladesh is quite similar to that in Latin America; formerly called
“over-urbanization” in 1950s, this is a situation where a rapid rate of urbanization does not lead to corresponding growth in industry and economy but results in a shift of people from low-productivity rural agricultural employment to low-productivity urban employment or underemployment. The major cities of Bangladesh exhibits the clearest symptoms of overurbanization, where an imbalance between rapid population growth and insufficient employment opportunities led to an increase in poverty and the mushrooming of slum and squatter settlements (Valladares, 2002).
In Bangladesh, the problem of urbanization is further aggravated by limited land supply in urban areas, lower land utilization and the lack of proper planning and land use policy. Due to globalization, the urbanization process is also increased. The ever-increasing urban population is creating an increasing demand for shelter. Article 25 of the United Nations’
Universal Declaration on Human Rights (1948-1998) has clearly stated that: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate of the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and