Professor Losh
Cat 1
6 November 2012
Carr's Argument in Vital Paths I. Introduction Vital Paths is the title of the second chapter in Nicolas G. Carr's book, The Shallows. This chapter continues Carr's argument, posed in chapter one, in highlighting the dangers of the internet, regarding our cognitive abilities. Specifically on format, this chapter argues for our brains neurological flexibility through an array of examples, ranging from historical observations to scientific experiments, and ends cautioning that with malleability negative neurological effects are plausible. Carr introduces the argument for neurological flexibility with the tangible effects noted by Nietzsche, where the use of the mechanical typewriter changed Nietzsche's writing style and choice of words. Following Nietzsche, Carr discusses the conceptualization of neurological flexibility through the examples of Freud, J.Z. Young, and William James. Freud, J.Z. Young, and William James, each theorized a brain which could be changed, in time periods when such theories were absurd. Carr then writes on minor stories where adaptations occur physically with Bernstein, and neurologically in musicians. Lastly, Carr writes on various scientific experiences, from nerve adaptations, to brain matter transformations, all detailing changes within the brain or nervous system as a result of the environment. After the chapter, Carr digresses and explicitly states his view of how our brains are constantly changing based on our actions, surroundings, and thoughts without regards to whether or not we approve or know of the changes occurring. II. Synopsis Vital Paths opens with the story of Friedrich Nietzsche and the use of his typewriter. Carr describes the tangible effects which the type writer had on Nietzsche's writings and quotes, "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts". With the typewriter Nietzsche had a different medium in which he now conveyed his